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  • Re: [che-dev] Status of Happy path PR check of Eclipse Che repos, (continued)
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (May 25th, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (May 18th, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] User Devfiles, Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] WorkspaceConfig in Che server API., Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] Single Host on OpenShift, Lukas Krejci
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (May 11h, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Invitation: Eclipse Cloud Development Tools Working Group Community U... @ Tue May 19, 2020 11am - 12pm (EDT) (che-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx), sharon . corbett
  • [che-dev] Ignore new PR check on che-plugin-registry, Radim Hopp
  • [che-dev] Fwd: Eclipse Cloud Development Working Group - Community update May 19th, Martha Benitez
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (May 4th, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Please resolve or move your 7.12 milestone issues // reminder about 7.13 and 7.14 sprints, Nick Boldt
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (April 27h, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Eclipse Che software factory, Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Michal Maléř on Eclipse Che, emo
  • [che-dev] Che-operator and Prometheus && Grafana configuration, Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] Cancelling today Community meeting. Next Monday 27th April 2020, Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Single Host Option, Mario Loriedo
  • [che-dev] Committer Election for Michal Maléř on Eclipse Che has started, emo
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (April 6th, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Status of E2E tests check of Eclipse Che / Che-Theia repos PR check, Dmytro Nochevnov
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (March 30th, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Theia API mgmt guidelines, Thomas Mäder
  • [che-dev] Deprecation & removal of old unsupported Che plugins in registry, Nick Boldt
  • [che-dev] Dashboard Next insight, Oleksii Kurinnyi

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