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[che-dev] Che-operator and Prometheus && Grafana configuration

I would like to discuss different  opportunities
of the way how we can implement the ability of a che-operator to configure Prometheus and Grafana [1].

To be able to do so we need to embed somehow quite a big file that representing Grafana dashboard json
at this moment this is a single YAML/json ~250kb. But in the close future, we are going to split it to multiple (7-9) dashboards ~50k.

I see such ways to do that:
1. Put jsons to and embed jsons directly to executable. Something like
2. Put jsons to and later put it to operator image during the docker build phase.
    After that: configure the operator with the environment variable that points to the folder with jsons.

At this moment I think 2 is better.

[1] [che-operator] - create ServiceMonitor and GrafanaDashboard when CRDs available and monitoring enabled
[2] [Monitoring] ConfigMap "che-grafana-dashboards" become too big.


Sergii Kabashniuk

Principal Software Engineer, DevTools 

Red Hat


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