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[che-dev] Status of Happy path PR check of Eclipse Che repos

Hello everyone,

Happy path PR check of Eclipse Che repos is not stable, and there are next flackinesses are observed:

1. Happy path test are failing on "Validation of debug functionality" because there is no debug configuration (issue

* Problem recognized by the following error messages in Jenkins job console log:
              ‣ DriverHelper.waitAndClick - Polling timed out attempt #3, retrying with 1000ms timeout
      1) Run debug and check application stop in the breakpoint
    [ERROR] CheReporter Validation of debug functionality Run debug and check application stop in the breakpoint failed after 11884ms
    21 passing (13m)
    1 pending
    1 failing
    1) Validation of debug functionality
         Run debug and check application stop in the breakpoint:
       TimeoutError: Exceeded maximum clicking attempts, the 'By(xpath, //select[contains(@class,'debug-configuration')]//option[text()='Debug (Attach) - Remote (petclinic)'])' element is not clickable
        at DriverHelper.waitAndClick (/tmp/e2e/utils/DriverHelper.ts:301:15)
        at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

2. Happy path tests are failing on "Build application" step (issue

* Problem recognized by the following error messages in Jenkins job console log:
              ‣ DriverHelper.waitVisibility By(xpath, //div[@class='p-Menu-itemLabel' and text()='Go to Definition'])
              ‣ DriverHelper.waitVisibility - Polling timed out attempt #5, retrying with 1000ms timeout
      1) Build application
    [ERROR] CheReporter Validation of workspace build and run Build application failed after 10711ms
    8 passing (8m)
    1 pending
    1 failing
    1) Validation of workspace build and run
         Build application:
       TimeoutError: Exceeded maximum visibility checkings attempts for 'By(css selector, li[title='build-file-output'] div.p-TabBar-tabIcon)' element, timeouted after 5000
        at DriverHelper.waitVisibility (/tmp/e2e/utils/DriverHelper.ts:156:15)
        at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

3. Debug session failed to launch in workspace because of "No delegateCommandHandler for vscode java.startDebugSession" error (issue

* Problem recognized by the following error messages in Jenkins job console log:
            ▼ Waiting for debugger to connect (threads to appear in "Threads" view)
              ‣ DriverHelper.waitAllPresence By(xpath, //div[contains(@class, 'theia-debug-thread')])
              ‣ DriverHelper.waitAllPresence - Polling timed out attempt #1, retrying with 1000ms timeout
              ‣ DriverHelper.waitAllPresence - Polling timed out attempt #2, retrying with 1000ms timeout
              ‣ DriverHelper.waitAllPresence - Polling timed out attempt #3, retrying with 1000ms timeout
              ‣ DriverHelper.wait (1000 milliseconds)
      1) Run debug and check application stop in the breakpoint
    [ERROR] CheReporter Validation of debug functionality Run debug and check application stop in the breakpoint failed after 133411ms
    21 passing (21m)
    1 pending
    1 failing
    1) Validation of debug functionality
         Run debug and check application stop in the breakpoint:
       TimeoutError: Wait timed out after 61338ms

With best regards,
Dmytro Nochevnov
Senior Software Quality Engineer
CodeReady Workspaces QE team lead

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