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[che-dev] Status of E2E tests check of Eclipse Che / Che-Theia repos PR check

Hello everyone,

FYI: E2E Happy path tests PR check of Eclipse Che / Che-Theia repos is unstable now because of network problems on Jenkins CI.
   * Problem recognized by the following errors:
(1) Eclipse Che start error:
[02:37:12] downloading images [failed]
[02:37:12] → ERR_TIMEOUT: Timeout set to pod wait timeout 300000
[02:37:12] PostgreSQL pod bootstrap [failed]
[02:37:12] → ERR_TIMEOUT: Timeout set to pod wait timeout 300000
[02:37:12] ✅  Post installation checklist [failed]
[02:37:12] → ERR_TIMEOUT: Timeout set to pod wait timeout 300000
  ›   Error: Error: ERR_TIMEOUT: Timeout set to pod wait timeout 300000
  ›   Installation failed, check logs in '/tmp/chectl-logs/1587709918325' Che start error:

(2) Test workspace start error
           ▼ Ide.waitIde
     1) Wait workspace running state

   1 passing (4m)
   1 failing

   1) Validation of workspace start
        Wait workspace running state:
      TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(css selector, #theia-app-shell #theia-top-panel .p-MenuBar-content)
 Wait timed out after 240000ms

With best regards,
Dmytro Nochevnov
Senior Quality Engineer
Che QE team

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