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Re: [che-dev] Stale branches in che repos :: ACTION REQUIRED :: please take out your trash :D

- Why is it so hard to create a fork or review a PR based on fork?

You’re not taking into account that fact, that for somebody it might not be comfortable to have several copies of one repository and perform syncing between them. It’s the same when you’ve been working on mac for years and one day you’re forced to work on windows. Of course, you’ll work, but for you it will be a bit uncomfortable. And there’re a lot of similar examples.

Today in the morning we got rid of ~30 branches, just by asking people to remove their stale branches. Don’t see the reason to force our committers to use forks only.

26 февр. 2020 г., в 15:44, Sun Tan <sutan@xxxxxxxxxx> написал(а):

Hi all,
I don't want to spend to much time on this so briefly:

- Why is it so hard to create a fork or review a PR based on fork?
- Would Che in Che (dog fooding) help in that regard?

We have the chance to build an IDE. In my opinion, forks shouldn't be a problem and it will help to keep the ~17 repos clean: for us and external developers that would have a look to Che.

With Che we should have a good flow to contribute to any project (in github, or gitlab, or anything else). It should work for commuters or external contributors. Do we have this flow working well ? I don't think so, so let's work to make that happen and it wouldn't be an issue to create a fork and keep our repos clean.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 11:27 AM Vladyslav Zhukovskyi <vzhukovs@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Let's start with the first step, remove stale branches.

Here is a link, where you can see your stale branches if there are any:

If you don’t need the merged branches, please remove them by yourself.

24 февр. 2020 г., в 19:57, Vladyslav Zhukovskyi <vzhukovs@xxxxxxxxxx> написал(а):

I’ll insert my five coins. As for me, pushing developer to use only fork is not a good way. As for me, it would be better to improve developing guidelines and provide the information about stale branches that left after PR merge.

In PR template add check box with the notice and link, that developer will carefully read and agree the rules provided in this guideline.
Smth like it has been done in Theia repository:


Then in developing guidelines provide information about that fact, if developer didn't remove the following branch, then we’d remove it manually/automatically/etc, for example after week or less.

24 февр. 2020 г., в 19:33, Nick Boldt <nboldt@xxxxxxxxxx> написал(а):

To provide some insight into why there might be resistance to using personal forks (thanks to @Anatolii Bazko for this & to @Radim Hopp for the explanation)... 

It seems some people might not be aware that personal forks' branches can be edited by multiple contributors.

There's a checkbox on PRs to allow "maintainers" to edit your PRs even if they're in private fork vs. origin repo.

(I learned this one when contributing to the CRW docs in gitlab too -- it was a new workflow for me a few months ago but the docs team regularly edits each others' MRs.)

So if your workflow involves collaborating on the same PR / pushing changes to someone's PR or topic branch, you can do that in a private branch too. It's only a small change to work outside the origin in your fork, which will keep the origin cleaner.

THAT BEING SAID, I personally have no problem with people using the origin for their topic branches, especially for collaborative work. I was not trying to stifle creativity, make contributing harder, or prevent peer programming. 

My concern was simply that these temporary topic branches don't always get cleaned up once merged or abandoned, resulting in a "dirty" project.

It's a bit like if you make a coffee and leave your used mug (merged topic branch) on the counter for someone else to clean up, vs. loading it in the dishwasher when you're done (deleting it). :D 

If we all have the diligence to take care of our shared spaces (branches in the origin) then there's no need to police that with GH rules or coded restrictions or administrators. We're all capable of doing our own housekeeping.

So... if we want to continue to use topic branches in the origin, that's fine -- but you're potentially creating work for others (team leads, architects) to clean up your leftovers, if you forget to clean up later. 

Hope that clarifies the intent, impact, and workflow concerns with using origin branches vs. personal fork branches.


On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 8:40 AM Sun Tan <sutan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Gennady it's it not like we were going to vote for the next president of a country ...

Here are the principles (getting inspirations from the Open Decision framework ... ):
- Make this simple stupid
- Open exchanged: in this thread and during the community call
- Let the community to give a voice (survey)
- From all the information we collect, the decision makers take a decision. Mario did.
- "Fail fast" or "Release early, release often" -> we make that decision today but it doesn't mean this is the best. Let's give a try and see what happens.


Sun Tan
Senior Software Engineer
Eclipse Che - CodeReady Workspaces @ Red Hat
Paris JUG leader

Red Hat Paris

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 2:08 PM Gennady Azarenkov <gazarenk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 11:14 AM Sun Tan <sutan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
@Anatolii Bazko if someone needs to work with someone else:  talk to each other, fork, add user/permission.
@Gennady Azarenkov it has been discussed during the last community call ... After 10 minutes debating, Mario, as project lead, asked for a survey/vote to decide what we do.
@all at some point we need to move forward, let's do like this, we have more important issues to work on.

@Sun Tan 
I have nothing against the survey, I am asking whether this vote is legitimate and representative enough to take some action?
Does that mean that result of ANY community survey with arbitrary worded questions (note: the initial request was some different) 
and ANY number of participants is taking as a "decision made" based on simply majority of voters?  
Do you follow some regulations defaulting this manner of decision making?

@Mario Loriedo ok I can take the action item.... first see if I have permissions to do that :) will keep you posted.

Sun Tan
Senior Software Engineer
Eclipse Che - CodeReady Workspaces @ Red Hat
Paris JUG leader

Red Hat Paris

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 9:35 AM Gennady Azarenkov <gazarenk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am not sure I understand what the survey result means for us...

Does this survey have the power to change anything at all?


On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 9:18 AM Anatolii Bazko <abazko@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Sorry, but I am strongly against that.
It will bring complications when several developers work on the same issue.

On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 12:18 PM Mario Loriedo <mario.loriedo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ok so it looks like we need to change our github repositories configurations. Sun do you want to take the action item?

On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 7:18 PM Sun Tan <sutan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello, so here is the result of the survey:


Sun Tan
Senior Software Engineer
Eclipse Che - CodeReady Workspaces @ Red Hat
Paris JUG leader

Red Hat Paris

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 11:04 AM Gennady Azarenkov <gazarenk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sorry, I had not finished my "for example", but hope you've got the idea ;)

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 11:59 AM Sergii Kabashniuk <skabashn@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 10:42 AM Thomas Mäder <tmader@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I don't want to force you to do anything, I want to understand why you work that way. Maybe there is a cost to working in forks which I'm not seeing. It's an honest question.

If we are talking about me: at some point, I've switched my preferences to work with forks. 
However, I respect the rights of other contributors to work in a way that way want to work. 
Without asking why if we don't have a strong technical reason for that. 

Let me put this story from a different angle.
Is there a reason to keep branches of merged or closed PRs?
That really looks like garbage. Don't you think so?


On 18/02/2020 09:46, Sergii Kabashniuk wrote:
What I didn't understand is why do you forcing someone to do things in the way you like to do without strong technical reasons?
Why we are ignoring diversity and pushing everybody to work in the way how the mainstream is doing?
Is there a technical reason why we should not allow some contributors to collaborate in the way how they used to do that for years?

I proposed to move this conversation in a less strict tone.
1. Propose the recommended way to do the contribution.
2. Propose the recommended way for branch names.
3. Encourage people to clean up after the work has been done.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 9:31 AM Thomas Mäder <tmader@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

What I don't understand in the whole discussion is why someone would object to working in their own fork. There is really not downside to it: if you want to start collaborating with someone else, you can just push the branch to the main repo. Otherwise the workflow is exactly the same as if you created your branch in the main repo. Can someone enlighten me?


On 17/02/2020 17:19, Sun Tan wrote:
I have created this survey:

Sun Tan
Senior Software Engineer
Eclipse Che - CodeReady Workspaces @ Red Hat
Paris JUG leader

Red Hat Paris

M: +33621024173    

On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 9:22 AM Radim Hopp <rhopp@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
OMG! Big +1 to this. I've been trying to convince people to start using forks and keep upstream "celan" for some time now... 

On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 9:18 AM Michal Vala <mvala@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
yes please, do the work in personal fork is imho right way to go on github. I would even disable creating branches upstream so we don't have a mess like this and each `git fetch` downloads 10 new random branches.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 8:59 AM Thomas Mäder <tmader@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I do my my work (unless I need to cooperate with others) on my personal fork of said projects. Is there any reason not to? Maybe we should adopt this as a good practice.


On 12/02/2020 17:11, Nick Boldt wrote:
Just a reminder to committers that your merged PR branches and old topic branches from closed issues should be purged from the origin repo to keep it clean.

Please take a few minutes to delete your old branches. I've done so for che-plugin-reg and che-devfile-reg if the branch was marked merged, but there are many more. for example has two pages of deletable topic/PR branches, including some pre-7.0 branches which we probably don't need anymore as we're never going to patch those releases.
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Nick Boldt
Principal Software Engineer, RHCSA
Productization Lead :: CodeReady Workspaces 

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