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  • [che-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Dave Neary on Eclipse Che, emo
  • [che-dev] Reminder: Next Che community call: Monday, November 26, Dave Neary
  • [che-dev] Changes in CORS configuration for Eclipse Che., Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] Committer Election for Dave Neary on Eclipse Che has started, emo
  • [che-dev] Che community meeting 12 November: Meeting notes, Dave Neary
  • Re: [che-dev] Good article about Dirigible in Che, and congrats for that!, Brad Micklea
  • [che-dev] DevFile meeting report, Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] Adding Syntax Highlighting to Xtext DSL [Language Server] in Eclipse Che, P J
  • [che-dev] RFC: Eclipse Cloud Development Tools working group proposal, Dave Neary
  • [che-dev] Reminder: Next Che community call: Monday, November 12, Dave Neary
  • [che-dev] The future of Docker Infrastructure, Mario
  • [che-dev] Naming convention for Che plugins, Mario
  • [che-dev] Che Community Call in 10 minutes, Mario
  • [che-dev] Tree View Plugin API Demo, Anna Shumilova
  • [che-dev] Enhancements in 6.13.0, Dave Neary
  • [che-dev] Accessing Agent API From External Client Side Application, Harish Kumar Murugeshan (RBEI/ETC6)
  • [che-dev] Test, Thomas Mäder
  • [che-dev] merge imminent, Thomas Mäder
  • [che-dev] Late notice: Che Community Call, Dave Neary
  • [che-dev] Info on how to debug Eclipse Che, Karthik Bhat
  • [che-dev] 6.12.0 release notes - request for help, Dave Neary
  • [che-dev] Eclipse CHE 6.12.0 release delay, Roman Iuvshyn
  • [che-dev] Theia plugin API demo, Mykola Morhun
  • [che-dev] Workspace sidecars resilience and logs in Che 7, Oleksandr Garagatyi
  • [che-dev] CHE CI infra improvement, Roman Iuvshyn
  • [che-dev] The Che & Theia Contributor Summit schedule is online!, Dave Neary
  • [che-dev] Last-minute reminder: Che community call, Dave Neary
  • [che-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Petra Sargent on Eclipse Che, emo
  • [che-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Robert Kratky on Eclipse Che, emo
  • [che-dev] Theia diagnostics plugin API demo, Mykola Morhun
  • [che-dev] Question about cloning sample projects, Andrew McLachlan
  • [che-dev] Che stack for Apache Camel/Fuse projects, Aurélien Pupier
  • [che-dev] Hot update of Eclipse Che 6.9.0 -> 6.10.0, Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] Committer Election for Petra Sargent on Eclipse Che has started, emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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