Hi everyone,
I put together a draft working group proposal for the Eclipse Foundation
to engender greater collaboration across ECD projects - this is the
initial draft, which is now open for comments.
I would love feedback, specifically around the scope. The initial scope
I had imagined was around interoperability and adoption of LSP, but
through the EclipseCon day, it was clear that extensions to LSP for
debugging, tracing, testing, profiling, and more would be interesting to
consider, and I think that collaboration on the definition and
implementation of extensions should be in scope. Another suggestion I
received was that the working group could agree on what is required for
the definition of a cloud developer workspace. I am open to having this
in scope,m but this draft does not yet reflect that.
Please let me know:
1) if you or your employer is interested in participating in this
working group
2) Whether you have any concerns about the scope or activities of the
working group
3) Any edits you feel should be made to the charter to improve clarity
and enable members to work together more effectively
We will discuss the working group and the draft during the next Che
community meeting on Monday.
Thank you all!