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  • [glassfish-dev] Glassfish6 ldapRealm broken ?, Mike Armstrong
  • [glassfish-dev] Glassfish failures for CDI, BV porting kit, CDI Model, Concurrency TCK with JDK 11, Gurunandan Rao
  • [glassfish-dev] Status of Platform TCK, Ed Bratt
  • Re: [glassfish-dev] [jakartaee-platform-dev] Latest CU results with Eclipse GlassFish, Scott Marlow
  • Re: [glassfish-dev] Our Jenkins CI environment seems to be timing out while running the Platform TCK job..., Scott Marlow
  • [glassfish-dev] CDI and concurrency failures with latest Glassfish nightly build, Gurunandan Rao
  • [glassfish-dev] When does the staged jakarta.enterprise.concurrent-3.0.0.jar get released as final? Does that happen when GlassFish 7.0 is considered ready to be released as final?, Scott Marlow
  • [glassfish-dev] A test added in CDI TCK 4.0.5 is failing with GlassFish, Ondro Mihályi
  • [glassfish-dev] PR for Jakarta EE 10 results, arjan tijms
  • [glassfish-dev] Latest Platform TCK test results, Concurrency + DI test failures, other tests are passing..., Scott Marlow
  • [glassfish-dev] 1 failure remaining: App client signature test, arjan tijms
  • [glassfish-dev] Omniconcurrent, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [glassfish-dev] 3rd party dependencies, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [glassfish-dev] Broken master branch, Christian Kaltepoth
  • [glassfish-dev] Concurrency DeploymentDescriptorTests failing, arjan tijms
  • Re: [glassfish-dev] [cu-dev] [External] : Re: glassfish-7 nightly bundle with concurrency TCK 3.0, Gurunandan Rao
  • [glassfish-dev] JAXRS test-suite Platform TCK new failures with Glassfish 7, Gurunandan Rao
  • [glassfish-dev] Login Exception with GF 7 M5, Gurunandan Rao
  • [glassfish-dev] Who will create the GlassFish EE 10 Compatibility Certification Requests and how to coordinate collection of TCK results that go into them?, Scott Marlow
  • [glassfish-dev] GF 7 M5 release, Gurunandan Rao
  • [glassfish-dev] concurrency jars missing from Glassfish 7 web-profile, Gurunandan Rao
  • [glassfish-dev] 'EJB Container initialization error' for concurrency TCK run with Glassfish 7, Gurunandan Rao
  • [glassfish-dev] PRs and reviews, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [glassfish-dev] EE 10 Platform TCK test failure in jsonp.pluggability.jsonprovidertests tests with GlassFish 7, Scott Marlow
  • [glassfish-dev] Glassfish dockerfile, Ivo Woltring

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