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Re: [glassfish-dev] GlassFish support for JPMS

Thanks for your reply. I understand that the Jakarta EE APIs are already modularized, with jakarta.servlet-api-6.0.0.jar, for instance, coming with module-info. However, GlassFish itself is not yet modularized, although some attempts have been made in developing new features. While full modularization of GlassFish has its benefits, it is not currently the top priority.

With its extensive and complex code base, GlassFish has been in a semi-stagnant state for some time. I am delighted to see that OmniFish has taken bold and extensive steps to refactor many aspects of GlassFish, restoring a large number of tests and enabling it to be used in production environments. I am hopeful that I, too, will have an opportunity to contribute to GlassFish's code.

Best regards,

Ondro Mihályi <mihalyi@xxxxxxxxxxx> 于2023年2月19日周日 05:29写道:
All the Jakarta EE APIs provided by GlassFish 7 are already JPMS modules. So, in theory, your application can be modules and can require those Jakarta EE modules already with GlassFish 7 and Jakarta EE 10.

However, in practice, the application needs to be loaded by a classloader that supports modules, so that modules in the WAR/EAR are recognized. This isn't yet implemented in GlassFish, which means that your application would be loaded without the JPMS modules functionality, its classes and resources would be added to the single unnamed module. So, currently, you can benefit from JPMS modules at build time, if you only need Jakarta EE APIs and no GlassFish-specific APIs. But at runtime, modules will be ignored and everything will end up on the classpath, in the unnamed module.

There's currently no roadmap for loading JPMS modules by GlassFish from deployed applications. It definitely would be a useful feature so that applications can fully benefit from JPMS. However, as David wrote, We at OmniFish first focus on adding stability and improvements for production usage of GlassFish and we can address new features like JPMS module support only at some later time.

All the best,
Ondro Mihalyi

Director, Jakarta EE expert
OmniFish - Jakarta EE Consulting & Support |
Omnifish OÜ, Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn, Estonia | VAT: EE102487932

On Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM David Matejcek <david.matejcek@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

it is already in progress (see glassfish-jul-extension), but there are some external dependencies which have to be changed first, so the change is quite slow as we try to help those projects too.
Btw JPMS is not a 1:1 replacement of OSGI, but the truth is that I am not sure if OSGi will stay in GlassFish forever.
First target we have in OmniFish is to help GlassFish to be reliable production-ready system with good diagnostic and with a good performance at least.
David Matejcek | OmniFish

On 18. 02. 23 15:21, ma zhen wrote:
Hi, all

I would like to know if GlassFish has a plan for comprehensive support for JPMS.Specifically, I am wondering if there is a plan in place to support JPMS in addition to or instead of OSGi.

As I understand it, one possible approach is to convert all OSGi bundles to JPMS modules, , but I am aware that this would be a significant change. I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on the matter and any potential plans for implementation.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email.

Best regards,

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