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  • Re: [Dltk-dev] profiling stuff.., (continued)
  • [Dltk-dev] Fwd: [pdt-dev] 2 New Articles + PDT Bug Day, Andrey Platov
  • [Dltk-dev] unit test refactoring, Jae Gangemi
  • [Dltk-dev] Javascript and Interpreters mismatch..., Johan Compagner
  • [Dltk-dev] javascript support in dltk, help please., kun deng
  • [Dltk-dev] DLTK version downgrade to 0.95, Andrey Platov
  • [Dltk-dev] Welcome Alex Panchenko as a new technology.dltk Committer, portal on behalf of Andrey Platov
  • [Dltk-dev] Committer vote for Alex Panchenko has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Bjorn Freeman-Benson
  • [Dltk-dev] Committer vote for Alex Panchenko has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of Andrey Platov
  • [Dltk-dev] now i have break on entry and also break on exception.., Johan Compagner
  • [Dltk-dev] a more general eclipse question., Johan Compagner
  • [Dltk-dev] DLTK now on +3 build schedule for Ganymede, Andrey Platov
  • [Dltk-dev] Re: JavaScript Debugger Question, Andrei Sobolev
  • [Dltk-dev] +1 for Alex Panchenko, portal on behalf of Michael Spector
  • [Dltk-dev] Vote for Committer status for Alex Panchenko has started, portal on behalf of Andrey Platov
  • [Dltk-dev] fix for resetting debug engine preferences, Jae Gangemi
  • [Dltk-dev] Search in file, Edgar Espina
  • [Dltk-dev] NumberFormatException in when starting JS debug, Mykola Peleshchyshyn
  • [Dltk-dev] can somebody explain to me the 2 IDbgpTermination and IDbgpTerminationListener, Johan Compagner
  • [Dltk-dev] DLTK 1.0 Ramp Down policy, Andrey Platov
  • [Dltk-dev] Class files in org.apache.xmlbeans project, Mykola Peleshchyshyn
  • [Dltk-dev] i want to provide my own images for the code completion, Johan Compagner
  • [Dltk-dev] a display console (instead of display view), Johan Compagner
  • [Dltk-dev] OutlineView popup menu., Johan Compagner
  • [Dltk-dev] Can the updated classpaths and .settings dir (with compiler settings) be checked in?, Johan Compagner
  • Re: [Dltk-dev] AST Discussion, Andrey Platov
  • Re: [Dltk-dev] what would be the best area to filter the doubles out of the completion engine?, Andrei Sobolev
  • [Dltk-dev] Re: JavaScript in CVS are broken., Johan Compagner
  • [Dltk-dev] Commit rights for Mikhail Kalugin have been expired, portal on behalf of emo
  • [Dltk-dev] Commit rights for Pavel Petrochenko have been expired, portal on behalf of emo
  • [Dltk-dev] toPortableString in InterpreterConfig, Andrey Tarantsov

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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