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[Dltk-dev] Vote for Committer status for Alex Panchenko has started

technology.dltk Committers,
This automatically generated message signals that Andrey Platov has
nominated Alex Panchenko as a Committer on the technology.dltk project. The
reason given is as follows:

During past months Alex signficantly contributed to Ruby component of the
project. Number of fixed problems just impressive and some of them listed
below. I believe he will be more effective as a committer helping us to
polish DLTK and Ruby component in practicular for the upcomming release and
further. - RESOLVED -
[PATCH] New Project Wizard should not check directory if project name is
invalid - RESOLVED - Wrong
characters in the New Ruby Class dialog title - RESOLVED -
[PATCH] Error on ruby code paste - RESOLVED -
[PATCH] Syntax Color Setup Preview should use fixed width font - RESOLVED - New
Ruby Project - step 2 - collapsing/expanding HintTextGroup causes
horizontal scrollbar - RESOLVED -
ScriptEditor context menu preferences should open initially 1st page of
editor preferences - RESOLVED -
Missing options for controlling folding - RESOLVED -
SourceIndexer class javadoc formatting - RESOLVED -
IndexManager - new getSourceElementParser(IScriptProject) method - RESOLVED -
isArchiveFileName() improvements - RESOLVED -
ScriptElementImageProvider javadoc fix - RESOLVED - TCL
ManPageFolder management refactoring - RESOLVED -
Display documentation for all matched methods - RESOLVED - Ruby
completion - sort types by relevance - RESOLVED - TODO
marker is ignored and item is not added to Tasks view - RESOLVED - Ruby
completion - more detailed labels - RESOLVED -
CompletionTestsRequestor should fail on completionFailure - RESOLVED -
RubyDocumentation display improvements - RESOLVED - Search
All occurences bugfix, hilight only class name when class is in search
results - RESOLVED - Fix
bugs in DBGP base64 implementations, small optimizations, and tests

The vote is being held via the MyFoundation portal: voters *must* use the
portal for the votes to be properly recorded.  The voting will continue
until either all 8 existing Committers have voted or until they have been
given enough time to vote, even if they do not do so (defined as at least
one week). Alex Panchenko must receive at least three +1s and no -1s for a
successful election.

Eligible Committers must cast their votes through their My Foundation
portal page (do NOT just reply to this email; your vote will not be
correctly recorded unless you use the portal):

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your project
lead, PMC member, or the EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>

The project Committers eligible to vote are:

    Johan Compagner
    Jae Gangemi
    Mark Howe
    Dmitriy Kovalev
    Andrey Platov
    Shelby Sanders
    Andrei Sobolev
    Michael Spector

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