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Re: [Dltk-dev] Javascript and Interpreters mismatch...

Hi Johan,

Yes, launching in DLTK is probably worst designed part having roots in JDT's hard structure. We were thinking about to redevelop it from scratch for a lot time, but there was no suitable timeframe yet to do that. For sure we should take care on this to fulfill all the requirements we have after Ganymede release. In the meantime please feel free to suggest and/or add any changes for stability/flexibility to JavaScript launching and interpreter management you need.

Kind Regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Johan Compagner" <jcompagner@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "DLTK Developer list" <dltk-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 7:09:19 PM GMT +06:00 Almaty, Novosibirsk
Subject: [Dltk-dev] Javascript and Interpreters mismatch...


Interpreters are a bit of a mismatch in the javascript plugin 
Because there is no "executable/exe" file that i can choose. 

In javascript we have GenericJavaScriptInstallType/GenericJavaScriptInstall/JavaScriptInterpreterRunner and so on. 

Because what to run is completely hardcoded: 

public String getRunnerClassName(InterpreterConfig config, 
ILaunch launch, IJavaProject project) { 
return "RhinoRunner"; 

So for these situations cant we have something that contributes these things so that they are auto added and always there? 

Currently we dont use an intepreter at all... We dont really need it. The problem is if it isnt defined you get a error when trying 
to launch it. But the strange part is that i also dont really need it for launching because i do a remote debug launch... 


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