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[Dltk-dev] DLTK version downgrade to 0.95

Hi folks,

That becomes bad tradition for DLTK to downgrade version number close to release date, but it looks like we have no options :)

Our initial intention was to graduate before Ganymede release, which did not happen for some reasons and Development Process allows 0.x versions only for incubating projects so we're downgrading to 0.95.

It's also interesting that with the new Development Process (to be adopted by the Board at the end of June), we have much more flexibility like different levels of maturity for sub-projects, sub-project leads, etc.

More details below, and hope we'll be ready to graduate from incubator later this year (by PDT 1.1? ;))

Kind Regards,

Bjorn Freeman-Benson wrote:
there are some formal signals that project is ready to graduate from incubator, like
At same time my personal feeling that there are a lot more things to do like establishing strong channels with end-users, polishing APIs and so on, after which we could say that we're mature without any doubts.
I suspect that no project is ever done with that kind of activity until the project ceases to exist. Even then, the resurgence of old arcade game code being emulated on new computers tells me that perhaps no project ever completely ceases to exist.
So graduation process (if it will be allowed sometime in future) seems to be relatively complex (also it looks reasonable to split DLTK into several mature projects (probably with different leadership/committer base) like:

* DLTK (Enabling Feature) + Integration components
* Ruby Development Tools
* TCL Development Tools and it's extensions

And leave incubating DLTK components in the incubator.

All the above looks to be impossible to do by Ganymede, so please help with following:
It is probably a little late to make that all work for Ganymede but even more significant is that with the new Development Process (to be adopted by the Board at the end of June), DLTK will be able to have sub-projects of its own. So you'll be able to have:
  • technology.dltk.core
  • technology.dltk.ruby
  • technology.dltk.tcl
  • technology.dltk.incubator
  • etc...
And each can be at a different level of maturity.
So if you can wait until after Ganymede (some time in the summer), it will all go more smoothly...?
1) Can we downgrade version number from 1.0 (our initial intent) to 0.x as required by EDP if we'll stay with Ganymede as incubating project. As far as I know there are no other Ganymede citizens depends on DLTK, so will be such late change allowed? 
Yes, you can do that.
2) If everything is fine with (1), unfortunately we used 0.9 for Europa release. Is it OK to go with 0.10 version? Equinox consider 0.10 as higher version number (integer comparison for minor part), so it is good version number technically, but is 0.xx versioning good from process standpoind and human perception (AFAIK there was no Eclipse projects releasing with dwo-digit minor number yet.
0.10 is an odd sort of number, isn't it? It looks like 0.1 to humans, but it is > 0.9 to computers.  You can use 0.10 if you want, but perhaps 0.95 would be better? It has both 0.95 >  0.9 to humans and 0.95 > 0.9 to computers.  Just a thought - you are welcome to choose which number you want.
Please sorry for long story, in few words the question is: can we downgrade from 1.0 to 0.10 and stay with Ganymede as incubating project?

- Bjorn

[end of message]

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