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  • Re: [gmf-dev] Today's call, (continued)
  • [gmf-dev] how to create a connection between to figures, nadav hoze
  • [gmf-dev] Housekeeping Item with the iplog, Anthony Hunter
  • [gmf-dev] GMF missing from Europa Update Site, Anthony Hunter
  • [gmf-dev] Regular conference calls, Richard Gronback
  • [gmf-dev] How open a diagram when double clic on a ShortCut? How Refresh a TreeView?, Franck Lethielleux
  • [gmf-dev] How open a diagram when double clic on a ShortCut? How Refresh a TreeView?, Lethielleux, Franck
  • [gmf-dev] Integration Build: I20070403: JUnit test failures, Anthony Hunter
  • [gmf-dev] Fw: NLS33: Translation Question, Anthony Hunter
  • [gmf-dev] Compile error in runtime tests when adopting Eclipse M6, Anthony Hunter
  • [gmf-dev] Weekly GMF Integration build, Anthony Hunter
  • [gmf-dev] export as jpeg, gif....., Andreas Oberhack
  • [gmf-dev] GMF in CVS: /cvsroot/technology -> /cvsroot/modeling. Today, after 5pm (EDT), Max Feldman
  • [gmf-dev] Conference call, Richard Gronback
  • [gmf-dev] wrong links in 'GMF Developer Resources' (, Henrik Rentz-Reichert
  • [gmf-dev] How to add coustom figures in GMF, varun bhatia
  • [gmf-dev] Problem with the Class "org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.commands.EtoolsProxyCommand", IVORRA ALFONSO, MARIA DEL MAR
  • [gmf-dev] Removing GMF Object while keeping EMF Object, Maxence Vanbesien
  • [gmf-dev] GMF's EMFT Dependencies ready for Callisto, Christian Damus
  • [gmf-dev] How to create too elements dinamically, Ramon de Menezes Pedrosa Andrade
  • [gmf-dev] GMF 1.0.3 mismatched feature version numbers, Anthony Hunter
  • [gmf-dev] using GMF, Sheldon Dsouza
  • [gmf-dev] GMF-related article proposal for Eclipse Corner, Wayne Beaton
  • [gmf-dev] GMF 2.0 Milestone schedule, Anthony Hunter
  • [gmf-dev] Can GMF adopt the latest GEF?, Cherie Revells
  • [gmf-dev] query, kiran babu
  • [gmf-dev] [Announce] M-M20070105-200701051200, Max Feldman
  • [gmf-dev] [Announce] [GMF 2.0 M4] S-2.0M4-200701030300, Max Feldman
  • [gmf-dev] Plug-in and Feature versions, Richard Gronback
  • [gmf-dev] GMF stable builds policy proposed, Max Feldman
  • [gmf-dev] Unit test errors/failures in latest builds, Richard Gronback
  • [gmf-dev] GMF 2.0 Milestone release dates, Anthony Hunter
  • [gmf-dev] organize imports, Anna Karjakina
  • [gmf-dev] Commit rights for Alex Boyko, Anthony Hunter
  • [gmf-dev] Fred Moving to QNX, Frederic Plante
  • [gmf-dev] [Announce] [GMF 2.0 M3] S-2.0M3-200611201300, Max Feldman
  • [gmf-dev] EMFT Transaction 1.1M3a Available, Christian Damus
  • [gmf-dev] 2.0M3 tomorrow, Richard Gronback
  • [gmf-dev] Manish Bhargava is out of the office., Manish Bhargava
  • [gmf-dev] Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment, Richard Gronback

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