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Re: [gmf-dev] Plug-in and Feature versions

Title: Re: [gmf-dev] Plug-in and Feature versions
Thanks, Artem.

My interpretation of “release” in the guidelines corresponds with our planned releases (e.g. 2.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3), or the R builds.  So, they only need to be incremented once per cycle, not per interim (S, M, N, or I) “releases”.

And just to clarify another point, as discussed with Anthony, version changes in the maintenance stream that are pulled into HEAD for the 2.0 release can have version 1.0.1, 1.0.2, or 1.0.3 (not as indicated below).  This is keeping with the guidelines, as we now understand them.  So we should only see versions 2.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.0.100, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1 or 1.0.0 in the next (2.0) release.


On 1/9/07 6:32 AM, "Artem Tikhomirov" <Artem.Tikhomirov@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


1.2.x for org.codegen is there because we had two major updates of codegen model ("externally visible" changes as the wiki link suggests). Guess, we'll end up with 2.0 anyway.
 As for 1.0.102 for oeg.bridge and codegen.ui, the reason was mis(?)interpretation of the "release" term. IOW, does M build qualify as "release" in terms of the article? Imagine, a bug was fixed in M2 and plugin got 1.0.100. When another bug is fixed in M3, is it right to keep the same plugin version number or is it better to increase it to 1.0.101?. The plugin is not the same, so it seemed reasonable to denote this with service segment increment. Anyway, these plug-ins need to get 1.1 due to the changes that had happened, so we could clean this now.


From: gmf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:gmf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Richard Gronback
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 8:12 PM
To: GMF Project developer discussions.
Subject: Re: [gmf-dev] Plug-in and Feature versions

Thanks, Anthony.  Alex is going to look into the versions on the tooling side.

I propose we wait until M5 to update the feature versions, as it’s our API freeze milestone anyway.  Feature versions should be in accordance with the guidelines and reflect the plug-ins they contain, and the generated feature version suffixes should keep update manager working fine in the meantime.


On 1/3/07 1:51 PM, "Anthony Hunter" <anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Team,

I have completed going through  all the runtime plug-ins, correcting version numbers in head to 1.0.3 or  1.0.100, fixing copyrights and merging missing changes from 1.0.3 into 2.0  (HEAD).

I did not change the features, a number of them are marked as  1.0.1. I am not sure if you want them all changed to 2.0 or 1.1? We do not  have any API changes in the Runtime.

We will need to fix the features  before M4.

Anthony Hunter mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
Manager:  Eclipse GMF + GEF
IBM Rational Software: Aurora / Modeling Tools
Phone:  613-591-7037

Anthony  Hunter/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA  
Sent by:  gmf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx  02/01/2007 11:38  AM  

Please respond to
"GMF Project developer  discussions." <gmf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


"GMF Project developer discussions."  <gmf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>   


Re: [gmf-dev] Plug-in and Feature  versions  

Hi Richard, looks like some changes to the runtime in  the maintenance branch have not make it into HEAD, I will check this  out.

Anthony Hunter mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
Manager:  Eclipse GMF + GEF
IBM Rational Software: Aurora / Modeling Tools
Phone:  613-591-7037

Richard Gronback  <richard.gronback@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: gmf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
02/01/2007 11:18 AM

Please respond to
"GMF Project developer  discussions." <gmf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


"GMF Project developer discussions."  <gmf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


[gmf-dev] Plug-in and Feature  versions  

Hi All,

I was looking at our plug-in  versions and going to adjust our feature versions for 2.0M4, but have some  questions about some of our versions in both HEAD and the maintenance stream  (

Plug-in                     HEAD         maint
org.eclipse.gmf              1.0.0       1.0.0   branding plug-in, should be  same as feature version?
org.eclipse.gmf.sdk          1.0.0       1.0.0   same question
oeg.codegen                  1.2.1        1.0.2   how did we end up at  1.2.1?
oeg.codegen.edit             1.2.1       1.0.0   same question
oeg.bridge                   1.0.102      1.0.1   why .102 and not  .100?
oeg.graphdef.codegen.ui     1.0.102      1.0.1  same question
oeg.examples.ui.pde          1.0.0       1.0.1   changes not yet migrated to  main?
oeg.runtime.diagram.core    1.0.1        1.0.2   same  question  1.0.2        1.0.3  same question
oegr.emf.core                1.0.1       1.0.3   same  question
oegr.diagram.ui.printing    1.0.2        1.0.3   same  question

I suspect there are some API breaking  changes that should require a 2.0.0 plug-in version that haven’t been updated  yet.  Or, we have no need to change our major segment and might as well  call this the GMF 1.1 release :).  Either way, the main dev stream should  only have plug-ins with versions 2.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.0.100, or 1.0.0 afaiu from  reading the guidelines.


Richard C. Gronback
Borland Software Corporation
+1 860 227 9215

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