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[gmf-dev] How open a diagram when double clic on a ShortCut? How Refresh a TreeView?

First sorry for my english (I am French...).
Well I have 2 questions :
1)In eclipse creating a new model (using a specific GMF modeler) you ca see on your left a TreeView called "Package Explorer". The problem is when you create a new Class or relationship (you save your diagram after the modification....) in your diagram it does not appear in the TreeView. But if I close the project and reimport it again now it appears... I have tried to refresh my TreeView after a modification of my diagram but it does not change anithing...
2)This is a technical one... I would like when you double clic on a shortcut it opens the corresponding diagram. How can I do that?I suppose I need to had some code in my modeler GMF, but where and wich code?
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