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  • [che-dev] 4.0 Changelog, (continued)
  • [che-dev] test from comand line, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Eclipse Che is now Beta, Tyler Jewell
  • [che-dev] Trying Eclipse Che latest release on ubuntu, Awanthika Senarath
  • [che-dev] e-mail notifications test, Dmytro Zamosenchuk
  • [che-dev] test, Dmytro Zamosenchuk
  • [che-dev] Beta 12 Milestone, Tyler Jewell
  • [che-dev] Commit rights for Alexander Reshetnyak have been expired, portal on behalf of emo
  • [che-dev] Committer vote for Mykola Morhun has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [che-dev] Committer vote for Mykola Morhun has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] Beta ramp down, Tyler Jewell
  • [che-dev] Changelog - over 100 commits in a single day!, Tyler Jewell
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Viktor Kuznyetsov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Vitaliy Guliy, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Max Shaposhnik, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Sergii Leschenko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Florent Benoit, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Stephane Tournier, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Aleksandr Shmaraiev, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Alexander Garagatyi, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Vitalii Parfonov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Artem Zatsarynnyy, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Alexander Andrienko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Roman Nikitenko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] ? for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Alexander Andrienko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Dmytro Nochevnov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Oleksii Orel, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Maxim Musienko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Dmitry Shnurenko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Gennady Azarenkov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Michail Kuznyetsov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Evgen Vidolob, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Valeriy Svydenko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Igor Vinokur, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Anatoliy Bazko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Mykola Morhun on ecd.che by Vladyslav Zhukovskiy, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] Vote for Committer status for Mykola Morhun was started by Sergey Kabashnyuk, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] Beta 7 Release, Tyler Jewell
  • [che-dev] Changelog, Tyler Jewell
  • [che-dev] Eclipse Che Changelog - 1/5/16, Tyler Jewell
  • [che-dev] Beta-4 Release Candidate Released & 3 Month Changelog, Tyler Jewell
  • [che-dev] BUG FIX: result limit propagation in search operations - status, Libhaber, Ori
  • [che-dev] WebSocket Event Bus mechanics, Kuperman, Sergey
  • [che-dev] Builder recover surprisingly from internal server error after some time, Fishman, Roy
  • [che-dev] Welcome Stévan Le Meur as a new ecd.che Committer, portal on behalf of Sergey Kabashnyuk
  • [che-dev] Run Web Project in Eclipse Che, Rodolfo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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