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[che-dev] Beta 12 Milestone


Beta 12 has been tagged and released. It is a stable release and is a candidate for the official beta designation. We will make the beta announcement in the upcoming near future as soon as we are confident that stability testing has given the thumbs up and the various supporting resources have been finalized.

We have stood up a new Eclipse Che web site - thanks for everyone that participate.  It is at There are also a new set of docs available at

We are preparing a series of videos that will be hosted at YouTube and on the Eclipse Che web site. I hope that many of those appear over the next week.


This is the latest changelog.

Alexander Garagatyi Cbuild was updated to support onpremises packaging. 
*Deleted*: --v, -v, -upload, --deployment-b, -deployment-b, --deployment-pu, --deployment-no-pull
*Added  *: -v-hosted, --v-hosted, -v-onprem, --v-onprem, -upload-onprem  -upload-hosted, --deployment-hosted-b, -deployment-hosted-b, --deployment-onprem-b, -deployment-onprem-b, --deployment-hosted-pu, --deployment-hosted-no-pull,  --deployment-onprem-pu, --deployment-onprem-no-pull
*Also* because of it unusable state were *deleted*: --no-clean --clean-local-repo

Vitalii Parfonov Fix problems with installing npm packages on Windows with adding --no-bin-links flag to the npm install command

Tyler Jewell | CEO | tyler@​codenvy.​com | 9​78​.8​84​.53​55

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