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[che-dev] Beta-4 Release Candidate Released & 3 Month Changelog


There seems to be something broken with our automatic posts to che-dev announcing the changelog & new releases.  We have asked to get this looked at.

The Beta 4 RC has been made available.  We are working towards a finalized Beta release for January 21.

In the past 3 months there have >4000 of commits to Eclipse Che.  We were able to switch the 4.x generation out of being a branch and into master.  We then were able to start doing releases against the new version.

The 4.x generation is not quite feature complete for the beta. We expect SSH, stack management, templates, workspace import / export features to be baked in.  There are also another 20 or so bugs that need to be addressed and dozens of UI polish details.

We will have someone post the changelog daily from here out.  Below the changelog from the past three months.  It's pretty long - but provides substance to what has been happening.

The site has been updated with links to the nightly builds of the next generational release of Che.  We expect to have a first draft of docs readied in a couple weeks.  Also, we are porting over the plugin & extension development tools over to the 4.x branch along with examples on how they work.


October 16th, 2015
Alexander Garagatyi joined #4_0-changelog
Alexander Garagatyi cbuild script was changed today.
Fix several bugs.
Make che run after other deployment targets. Now it is possible to use `--v ` with `--che`.
Add option --skip-git-operations it is very usefull with new
operation sequence workflow.
Rework operations sequence workflow. Earlier cbuild performed operations in such order:
   Project 1
       - fetch, pull, checkout
       - build (i.e. mvn clean install)
   Project 2
       - ...
New behaviour:
   Project 1 - fetch, pull, chechoult
   Project 2 - ...
   Project 1 - build (i.e. mvn clean install)
   Project 2 - ...
Here is description of other recent changes:
1. make installation process one-time (for installs after 13 augest). No need to install cbuild again to update it
2. improve OSX compatibility. Thanks to @skabashnyuk@fbenoit
3. allow reassign paths of projects folder and cbuild library if --f option used after --install
4. add option to skip sources checks by findbugs, license, sortpom plugins `--skip-sources-validation`
5. make notification popup time configurable. To configure add to .bashrc `export CBUILD_NOTIFICATION_OK_TIME_MS=<value>``export CBUILD_NOTIFICATION_FAIL_TIME_MS=<value>`. Default value 10000 for both
6. make quiet mode enable logging mode. tail last lines of logs on execution fail in quiet mode
7. add fallback checkout strategy `-bf <branch to checkout> <fall back branch to checkout>`. It useful to build feature branch based on other branch, e.g. `-bf myNewFeature 4.0`
8. add ability to configure default parameters; add option to disable default parameters for specific build

October 19th, 2015
Sergii Kabashniuk We are in the middle of the way of removing VFS-fs from our code in 4.0
But meantime some of our components still relying on it. For instance Java Class creation.
To make things working without huge refactoring (eventually we will do it) I've removed 
VFS permissions. From now all VFS entries will return a full set of permissions(3.0 based) "read", "write", "build", “run"
See more
In 4.0 we are not relying on vfs permission so we can simply return any-any permission for all users. We need to return something because UI is still relying on this information.

Roman Nikitenko joined #4_0-changelog. Also, @dmitryshnurenkojoined, @oleksii joined, @vparfonov joined, @eivantsov joined,@ddementieva joined, @akorneta joined, @stevanlm joined,@skryzhny joined, @roman joined, @mshaposhnik joined,@ashumilova joined, @areshetnyak joined, @ashmaraev joined,@vkuznyetsov joined, @musienko.maksim joined, @vzhukovskiijoined, @vitaliyguliy joined.
Igor Vinokur Updated OnPremises 4.0 packaging by newest changes from cloud-ide 4.0.
Factory service is avilable now in OnPremises 4.0(edited)

Roman Nikitenko Fill samples from maven.json of assembly-machine-server on che.
Change the list of projects under samples to be the following: Spring (on Che only).
Change "SAMPLES - HELLO WORLD" category title to "SAMPLES"(on Che only).
Fill samples from maven.json of assembly-machine-server on che. Change the list of projects under samples to be the following: Spring (on Che only). Change "SAMPLES - HELLO WORLD" category title to...

October 20th, 2015
Yevhenii Voevodin Project Tree disappears after 30 minutes because session is expired and websocket channels are closed.
We decided to increase session timeout to 180 minutes .
Created issues:

Max Shaposhnik Enabled build of plugin-factory and factory-gwt-client
Yevhenii Voevodin Adapt `SwarmDockerConnector` to work with*swarm 1.0.0*

Igor Vinokur Fix bug with git branches dialog. When branchlist has unselected branch, the buttons "checkout", "delete" and "rename" are disabled.

October 21st, 2015
Florent BENOIT Get rid of name ‘Codenvy’ for Eclipse Che webapp listener :
Rename org.eclipse.che.inject.CodenvyBootstrap to org.eclipse.che.inject.CheBootstrap (old name still there as @Deprecated)
Allow to use WEB-INF/classes/che/<any-name>.properties in addition to WEB-INF/classes/codenvy/<any-name>.properties(edited)

Sergii Leschenko Added OAuthServiceClient
Fixed link for getting of token in RemoteOAuthTokenProvider

Vitalii Parfonov Previously Maven Plugin forces setting default maven value for packaging, which is not needed and causes implicit changes of files which impacts git state.
So, we have uncommitted files and can not switch to other branch etc w/o additional actions.
For now this problem fixed packaging will be set "jar" only if user select it in Maven Project wizard

October 22nd, 2015
Alexander Garagatyi Add --gwt-closure-disable option that disables GWT closure compilation and speeds up build. For development usage only!
Vitaliy Guliy
Restyle editor footer, scroll bars, line numbers.
Remove  toolbar from project explorer part.
Move buttons from project explorer toolbar to part header.

Vlad Zhukovskiy
Add ability to configure editor behaviour case when we try to update project tree.
By default editor tries to close opened file it was removed after reloading. Now it possible to configure this behaviour.
This fix needed for java rename refactoring.(edited)

Oleksii Orel
Restyle create project wizard and import project wizard.
Change font-size and height for input fields, drop-down menus, buttons, categories list. Restyle radio buttons and checkboxes in general.(edited)

Andrienko Alexander Add hotkey for switch tabs in editors. User can switch to previous opened editor by hotKey Alt+LEFT or switch to next opened tab by hotKey ALT+RIGHT
Andrienko Alexander Fix for two bugs .  Fix problem opening files in project after reopening project. When user have opened files from few projects, and projects contains files with the same names, after closing one of project, IDE closes files only for this project.
Fix unexpected closing files with the same name after close only one project, fix posibility to open earlier opened files after reopen a project.

Igor Vinokur Add account query parameter to getAllRunningProcesses API method. It allows to see all running processes from all workspaces of specified account.
Add account query parameter to getAllRunningProcesses API method. It is needed to get all running processes that related to account. For now if we get all running processes we will see processes th...

October 23rd, 2015
Dmitry Shnurenko We should not choose workspace(start dialog isn't shown) if one is set in the URL and exists

When something happens on server side during workspace starting, shows dialog which contains information about error. When click 'OK' on error dialog, start workspace dialog appears.

Alexander Garagatyi Renamed several fields in workspace mongo DAO. 
Do not use previously created workspaces on hosted version until wipe or destroy will be done.(edited)

Dmitry Shnurenko Improve start stop workspace behaviour:
Recent workspace - last started workspace
1.Use case:
Empty workspace name in browser
Workspaces don't exist
Recent workspace don't exist
Show create workspace dialog
2.Use case:
Empty workspace name in browser
Some workspaces exist
Recent workspace exist
Start recent workspace
3.Use case:
Workspace name in browser isn't empty
Workspace with name in browse exist
Workspace is running
Set workspace as current
Workspace isn't running
Start workspace  
Workspace with name in browser doesn't exist
Show create workspace dialog
4.Use case: 
Stop Workspace
Show start dialog
5.Use case:
Error during start or create workspace
Show dialog with error description -> click 'OK' -> show start workspace dialog

October 26th, 2015
Dmitry Shnurenko Add validation for workspace name.  If workspace name or recipe URL is not valid the create workspace button is disable. Workspace name must be 3 - 20 characters length and match this pattern  ^[A-Za-z0-9_\s-\.]+$. Also we can't create workspace if workspace with current name already exist.

Yevhenii Voevodin `WorkspaceManager` was returning`RuntimeWorkspace` instance with *STARTING* status each time when *workspace start operation* was performed. 
This behaviour is incorrect  and it was fixed, the problem was in async nature of workspace start operation. 
Now `WorkspaceManger` checks if workspace is stopped before performing the start operation as well as`RuntimeWorkspaceRegistry` does.

Valeriy Svydenko Refresh open editors after the reafactoring operations and fix small UI bugs with the Refactoring wizards.

Alexander Garagatyi Fixed incorrect permissions of project files after workspace restart in hosted version. Stopped using deprecated docker API of container start. Removed our service from machine nodes because they are unneeded anymore.

October 27th, 2015
Dmitry Shnurenko Fix frequent changing DOM model, during machine output.For now, we decided not to output machine starting log.

Florent BENOIT Detect automatically the docker host ip on Linux (searching docker bridge) or Windows/Mac (find bridge based on the ip address of Docker ip address)
Then use that ip automatically found in Che instead of using hardcoded IP address that only match few cases

Alexander Reshetnyak Added im-version command in installation manager.
Removed option --check-remote for command im-download.
Removed option --list for command im-install.
The command im-version allows to get information about Codenvy On-Prem (installed version, available stable/unstable version to install).
Example of output for command im-vesion :
 "artifact" : "codenvy",
 "version" : "3.13.1-SNAPSHOT",
 "availableVersion" : {
   "stable" : "3.13.3",
   "unstable" : "3.13.7"
 "status" : "There is a new stable version of Codenvy available. Run im-download 3.13.3."

Alexander Garagatyi Added --clone-disable option to cbuild to avoid repos cloning. It is useful when developing Che in Che because such repos won't be treated as projects in Che.

October 28th, 2015
Igor Vinokur Removed auto generation of ssh keys, added ask dialog to generate ssh key when importing a factory by ssh url or creating a pull request on push branch step

Eugene Ivantsov
rebuild default dev machine images, added them to the list of predefined recipes

Alexander Garagatyi Reverted changing of the default machine RAM size from 1G to 3G.
Changed default dev machine RAM size from 2G to 3G on the client.
Changed default non-dev machine RAM size from 2G to 1G on the client. 
It is changed because dev machine with 2G couldn't build che (GWT module).
This reverts commit a03ac2a0afd1f2230c92bc47852a39a3d6d868ab.

Dmitry Shnurenko Add ability to show machine when it just starting. Click on 'create' machine button, the machine will be added to machine tree at once (this is machine state which contains basic information about machine). During machine starting we can't stop it or restart.When machine is running we get request to get MachineDto object to display all neccessary information (info, servers, recipe, etc. This is real machine.)

October 29th, 2015
Evgen Vidolob Add maven test directories as source directories, so code assist works for test
IDEX-3315 add "src/test/java" as source path to project classpath for…

Alexander Garagatyi Fixed proxy servlet in case path to service (not war path) contains `/ext/`

I'm creating it
Sergii Kabashniuk this is a wrong place for discussion.  Please follow the rules of this room

October 30th, 2015
Yevhenii Voevodin Removed XML test sources which have license issues.
Changes were applied on *master**3.12.5.x* and *4.0.0*

November 4th, 2015
Yevhenii Voevodin Adjusted security settings of `XMLTree`parser.

Sergii Kabashniuk Authentication token passed in header instead of query parameter in HttpJsonHelper

Removed user authorization token from url. For the cases when some component decided to put ulr in log file. This way we will remove possibility of token leaks.
We drop a hint to server that we expect application-json response. this needed if server have two method with different produces content type for same path.
Removed user authorization token from url. For the cases when some component decided to put ulr in log file. This way we will remove possibility of token leaks. We drop a hint to server that we exp...

November 5th, 2015

Oleksii Orel Add admin view to user dashboard as left nav item

November 8th, 2015
Vlad Zhukovskiy Tree changes:
in node renderer changed manipulations with html, now work performs with dom nodes
added possibility to customize node styles directly from node by css
added method to refresh visual representation of specified node without reloading
temporary disable inner checking for child in child, to proper rendering ">" symbol
fixed setting parent after node intercepting, in some cases few nodes was without parent
updated mechanism of firing changing selection node event
Upgraded behaviour when expanded node renames. Now expanded nodes saves their state
In some cases directory structure may be changed if renamed directory becomes source directory
Machie's project path requests only when ide starts to avoid unneccessary requests during selection change
Get project method in project service now returns Project Descriptos instead of Project Reference
This was need to avoid unneccessary requests to get project when we open it
Projects are always opened now. We can't close or open it. For now we can create or delete it
After init or delete git repository project explorer doesn't go crazy
Adapt Privacy Action to work with project explorer selection change
Remove experimental speed search from the Project Explorer
Hide/show lock icon when current project become a null

November 9th, 2015
Vitalii Parfonov Configure GWT logger for avoiding spam remote_loging in browser console

Vlad Zhukovskiy Add additional checking for root nodes that starts with similar name.

Igor Vinokur Fix bug with "Free gigabyte hours spent" link didn't refresh dynamic, when resources got locked or were available again
Changes were applied on ​​*master*​​​ and ​merged to ​*4.0.0*​​

Yevhenii Voevodin Added authorization token to `RemoteTask` &`SourcesManagerImpl` requests + protected `SlaveBuilderService`from unauthorized calls.

November 10th, 2015
Michail Kuznyetsov These PR's were applied to master and cherry-picked in 4.0:
Rename API BranchCheckout to Checkout + add API support to checkout files.
…ile/s (+Native Git implementation) Add Rebase command API add Repository state to Status API (as String) add support to set/get revision range (since, until) in Log API -- Added above API changes...

Vlad Zhukovskiy Fix render package node element which contains name "java"
Fix render package node element which contains name "java"

Andrienko Alexander Fix closing opened files after deletion folder, module, project when you open more than one file.
Andrienko Alexander  Change behavior of the hotKey Ctrl+C: if you select some text this hotKey copy text, if you don't select any text in terminal this hotKey stops process (such behavior have some popular terminal emulators, like terminal IDEA Intellij or Cloud9)
…ext this hotKey copy text, if you don't select any text in terminal this hotKey stops process

Vlad Zhukovskiy Reset Go Into mode when new project created and when we try to scroll to file that is outside Go Into node
Reset Go Into mode when new project created and when we try to scroll to file that is outside Go Into node

Vitalii Parfonov IDEX-3389: Wrong links in JavaDoc. Fix name for multi-module project, need to use path
IDEX-3389: Wrong links in JavaDoc. Fix name for multi-module project, need to use path

November 11th, 2015
Vlad Zhukovskiy Remove redundant code which in some cases may duplicate project node

Anatoliy Bazko Renamed codenvy-single(multi) files to
Added IM CLI bin directory to PATH

Try to automatically update IM CLI only once when user executes IM commands in interactive mode

Andrienko Alexander  doesn't show recipe list when user nothing typed to input "find by tags" in the widget "Create Workspace"(edited)  and Refresh machine list after stopping or starting workspace. Change MachineServiceClient, if you need getMachines() or getMachinesStates you should add argument workspaceId. If you stop workspace and start another one MachineServiceClient need last information about workspaceId.(edited)
Michail Kuznyetsov These PR's were cherry-picked to 4.0:
Use mixins instead of mixinTypes in ProjectUpdate
this makes the field similar to ProjectDescriptor from the client's POV currently the project service to uses NewProject and UpdateProejct in the service method that create and update projects, re...

Alexander Garagatyi Refactored docker connection creation. Increased docker tcp connection time out  to 10m to decrease connection read time out errors. This type of errors happens when machine command doesn't put anything to console for a long time.
Showed machine command error in process console if error was thrown.

November 12th, 2015
Anton Korneta Add ability to perform git ssh commands push pull clone
fix behavior of import wizard and edirecting when mode parameter is not equals to sso or federated_login
*Pull* :

November 13th, 2015
Yevhenii Voevodin Now *system/admin* and *system/mager* roles are fetched from LDAP attributes

Removed references to GPL resources

Igor Vinokur Removed codenvy-hosted-sso-server-ldap bindings in OnPremises 4.0
Contribute to onpremises development by creating an account on GitHub.

Anton Korneta Change licence headers to EPL format
*Pull* :

Alexander Reshetnyak Restored factory servlet and filters -  they are accepting factory requests, performing basic checks and redirect to correct IDE url.

Igor Vinokur Removed codenvy-hosted-sso-server-ldap packaging

Valeriy Svydenko Show an error message and logs when update dependency is failed. Move Maven classpath builder mechanism to the ext-maven module.
Exclude unnecessary client jars in sdk-war packaging

Anton Korneta Add Mit license into the Tomcat assembly
*Pull* :

November 16th, 2015
Evgen Vidolob Eclipse code moved from 'che-jdt-ext-machine' module in to separate modules

November 17th, 2015
Dmytro Nochevnov Added _NativeGit_ method*isInsideWorkTree()* to verify if current location belongs to git dir. Fixed  method of getting project configuration to use this method instead *status()* to verify if project uses Git.
_Linked issue_
_Linked commit_:
It also should fix an issue

Dmitry Shnurenko Add project modules to new project model. For now project model looks like in project tree. Example: project's method get modules returns only its own modules (module1, module2, module3), module2.getModules() will return (module2.1 and module2.2) and etc. *Also you have to remove your local workspace.json file, because it's format changed.*

Artem Zatsarynnyi Fixed problem with not hidden JS content assist box after switching to another file

November 18th, 2015
Anatoliy Bazko Restored functionality of adding breakpoints. How to initiate debug session:
* If you run app on ext server pls enter localhost:<port> in the remote debug dialog window
* if you run app locally pls enter <your_ip_address>:<port>, for instance host: port: 5005

Igor Vinokur Made vfs call to ext server instead of API when importing a project
IDE making vfs calls to api but it have to make call to ext server @vparfonov @skabashnyuk

Oleksii Orel Remove onboarding flow for admin in dashboard

Oleksii Orel Move Administration submenu items as one unit/piece

November 19th, 2015
Max Shaposhnik Added snapshots and plugins repositories to parent pom of hosted-infra project.

Sergii Kabashniuk accepted PR
Currently the only way to subscribe to an event is by providing an implementation of EventSubscriber whose only generic type argument is a concrete event class. Passing generic event subscribers fa...
this is more efficient than using the only API that is currently available 'toJson()'. It returns a string which means two redundant serializations must be done if the JsonElement is needed directl...

Vitaliy Guliy Added functionality to UI components, cleanup CSS

Max Shaposhnik WorkspaceDao upgraded to save modules information along with project configs. (it was implemented before we added modules to project)

November 20th, 2015
Artem Zatsarynnyi I've made a little clean-up in *che-core-ide-app* module:
* removed unused GWT localization constants;
* removed commented code;
* removed unused icons;
* removed unused CSS-styles;
* removed unused Java-classes.

Igor Vinokur Updated onpremises 4.0 by cloud-ide 4.0 latest commits, changes:
- Restored factory servlet and filters
- Add bindings needed for git ssh command

Artem Zatsarynnyi Fixed most of the FindBugs issues in *che-core-ide-app* module

Roman Iuvshin Release 4.0.0-M4
Please do not forget to sync u`r feature branches with current 4.0.0-M5-SNAPSHOT

add workaround to avoid release fails on javadoc generation phase.

November 22nd, 2015
Igor Vinokur Add a checkbox in Git/GitHub import wizard that allows to clone a project with "--recursive" parameter, applied only in master.
We need git clone wirh --recursive to clone multi-module project with submodules. Will be merged only in 3.x @vparfonov @skabashnyuk
We need git clone wirh --recursive to clone multi-module project with submodules. Will be merged only in 3.x @vparfonov @skabashnyuk

November 23rd, 2015
Artem Zatsarynnyi Configured GWT-logger:
* removed unnecessary JUnit dependency that has it's own GWT-logger settings which overrides default (defined in JUnit.gwt.xml dependency is not necessary since we don't use gwt-test-utils anymore;
* added explicit configuration of GWT-logger in order to avoid overriding it by some dependency;
* disabled RemoteLogHandler.

Alexander Garagatyi Removed our swarm client workarounds for previously not implemented docker API. 
Container scheduling works with spread strategy of node choosing (put  minimal number of containers on each node ) instead  of random.
It  also fixes memory limits on nodes.
Fixed several bugs in our docker client

Anton Korneta Added a eventbus  in cloud and che assembly, add provide user token to machine.
*Pull* :

Andrienko Alexander Fix opening images into IDE editor
We can't open images, because inherited method getView() throws Unsupported Exception.

Artem Zatsarynnyi Removed public/private visibility switcher from project creation (importing) wizard

Anton Korneta Fixed list repo button  which can be seen during import project from github, by change base url in github service from api to ext
*Pull* :

November 24th, 2015
Evgen Vidolob Find usages works in multimodule projects
Use websocket for search request. Improve error handling and notification. Fix search in multimodule projects.

Oleksii Orel Fix  loading  state for "Your Installation" and "Configuration" views.

Ann Shumilova Add styles for inputs (TextInputCell) in CellTable widget

Roman Nikitenko Improve loading behaviours in IDE
Switch to machine perspecive and dispaly logs when a machine is starting.
Improve loading behaviours in IDE Switch to machine perspecive and dispaly logs when a machine is starting.
Improve loading behaviours in IDE Switch to machine perspecive and dispaly logs when a machine is starting.

Alexander Reshetnyak Use Guava cache instead of org.eclipse.che.commons.lang.cache.Cache
This is a pull request for part of issue the This the pull request replace to usage org.eclipse.che.commons.lang.cache.Cache to Guava Cache in the cla...
Sergii Kabashniuk Web.xml removed from git-server artifact (jar)

November 25th, 2015
Anton Korneta Added error handling in CheAccessTokenCredentialProvider and fix ZipContent unreleased stream (SAP)
*Pull* :

Anatoliy Bazko Bootstrap script checks if user has sudo rights and ssh access to all nodes. It breaks installation with appropriate message if validation failed

Use codebase of script to install Installation Manager CLI only. It performs additional checks before installation IM CLI. 
Internal --im-cli flag has been introduced.

Bootstrap script continuously checks Internet connection. If internet connection lost it will rerun command is being executed until it finishes successfully.
Also script redownloads Codenvy binaries if they are corrupted due to loosing Internet connection.

Igor Vinokur Make custom war-website, war-webroot and tomcat-site for OnPremises packaging

Valeriy Svydenko Add new feature to show class structure and navigat to the java elements (This action is in Code -> File Structure or just click Ctrl+F12)
Remove the outline part

November 26th, 2015
Vitaliy Guliy
Hide global loader and animate inside popup
Change page order in Openshift Create from Template wizard

Max Shaposhnik Basic functionality of factory acceptance.
Ability to accept factory on client. Created factory component that starts workspace. Workspace validator moved to separate class.

Igor Vinokur Fix build in OnPremises master by removing unnecessary dependency

November 27th, 2015
Anton Korneta Added factory.policies.create (perClick, perUser), per click would generate ws name with counter as ws-1 ws-2 etc.
*Pull* :

Oleksii Orel Exclude subscription and invoice requests for OnPrem  in UD v.2
​Pull​ :

Stephane Tournie joined #4_0-changelog

November 30th, 2015
Yevhenii Voevodin Added ability to save/recover a workspace from a Snapshot.

Anton Korneta Refactored factory policies  refererHostname -> referer, validSince -> since, validUntil -> until (as at 3.x)
*Pull* :

Artem Zatsarynnyi Improved Promise error handling: now you can catch OperationException and FunctionException as well as PromiseError

Igor Vinokur Synchronised OnPremises 4.0 packaging with cloud-ide, 
- CLDIDE-2616: Import of projects + config projects during factory acceptance
- Configure GWT-logger (disable RemoteLogHandler)

December 1st, 2015
Alexander Garagatyi Allow to use local docker images (that weren't pushed to registry)
To use that feature set value of property`machine.docker.pull_image` to `false`

Artem Zatsarynnyi Fixed cursor positioning for custom suggestions (from _proposals.json_) in JS-editor
* fixed cursor positioning for custom suggestions in JS-editor (which was loaded from _proposals.json_);
* paramenter _overwrite_ in _proposals.json_ isn't use anymore: it will be always 'true';
* avoid using synchronous XMLHttpRequest - used Promises intsead;
* no need to reload the page for reloading the changes in_proposals.json_;
* added handling of errors of getting and parsing _proposals.json_;
* suggestions will be filters on invoking ContentAssist.(edited)

December 2nd, 2015
Artem Zatsarynnyi Fixed autosaving files of JS and HTML types

Dmitry Shnurenko Replaced ProjectDescriptor in according to new project model. Improved project type model. Added filter for project and model attributes. In workspace we store project with constant attributes, but when we get project from workspace and return it to client we add runtime attributes (for example maven.artifactId and etc.) *For now we have to use ProjectConfig instead of ProjectDescriptor*.

December 3rd, 2015
Dmytro Zamosenchuk added an integration to this channel: email
Vitalii Parfonov Fix reaction on websocket close event then we check extension server state

Dmytro Zamosenchuk removed an integration from this channel:email
Dmytro Zamosenchuk added an integration to this channel: email
Dmytro Zamosenchuk removed an integration from this channel:email
Roman Nikitenko Don't show popup when abnormal close code is gotten from websocket and reason is absent

December 4th, 2015
Alexander Garagatyi Fixed bug when OOM of maven command in machine make workspace unusable
Comment usage of container state change because it has bug. Exec's OOM is treated as OOM of container.

Yevhenii Voevodin Added new `PreferenceDao` which delegates calls to `UserProfileService`.
Also added new builder-like helper class for requesting *JSON* -`HttpJsonRequest`

Anton Korneta Added performAction method into ActionManager, adapted OpenFileAction to factory 4.0
*Pull Requests* :

December 6th

December 7th

December 8th
Anton Korneta Fixed ExtServerStateController behavior  in case of waiting ExtServerStateEvent firing. If we subscribe to messageBus, before the real connection was opened, in this situation e.g. importing projects from factory was failed.
*Pull Request*​ :
*Issue* :         

Max Shaposhnik Removed unnecessary methods from Workspace codec since modules are projects now

December 9th
Roman Nikitenko Ability to get multiple terminals for dev-machine in processes panel of project perspective
IDEX-3151. Display machine and its processes's tree IDEX-3153. Ability to get multiple terminals for dev-machine in processes panel of project perspective

Igor Vinokur Fixed bug: when opening git commit window, the input message field is not focused (cursor is not set to it)

Artem Zatsarynnyi Made several improvements of using asynchronous requests:
* added ability to get result of _AsyncRequest_ via _Promise_ returned by _AsyncRequest#send()_ method;
* deprecated _PromiseHelper_ since _AsyncRequest#send()_ returns_Promise_ with request result;
* refactored _AsyncRequest_ class to make it more readable;
* reworked (simplified) _MachineServiceClientImpl_ in order to get result of asynchronous requests via _Promise_ (avoid using deprecated _PromiseHelper_);
* removed obsolete methods from _MachineServiceClient_;
* removed using of obsolete _$wnd.proxyServiceContext variable_.

December 10th
Anton Korneta Fix behavior during creating workspace from factory with create policies perUser
*Pull Requests* :
*Issue* :            

Sergii Kabashniuk Moved aopalliance Version: 1.0 dependency from codenvy-depmgt to che-depmgt
Artem Zatsarynnyi Used *@RestContext* annotation instead of deprecated named constant *restContext* in plugin-bitbucket

Removed GIN-provider for deprecated named constant*restContext*
*@RestContext*​ annotation must be used intead(edited)

Added storing of calculated attributes

December 11th
Artem Zatsarynnyi Removed GIN-provider for deprecated named constant 'websocketUrl'

Dmitry Shnurenko Configure project as blank by default after import. For now when we import project and don't resolve and configure it, the project will be configured as blank and will be saved to workspace.

December 12th

December 14th
Artem Zatsarynnyi Removed obsolete code related to disabling/enabling extensions loading

Roman Iuvshin Reduce che docker image size by flushing package manager cache
Add ```apt-get clean``` command to flush package manager cache

Fix naming of terminals: Terminal-## instead of Terminal (##)
Number for terminals start with "Terminal" then the second one "Terminal-2" and then we go incrementaly
Add title "Consoles" for the panel
Change displaying of 'Add new terminal' icon
Remove bold for "command:" in the output view
#1 - Fix displaying of Icon for the Consoles panel #2 - Fix naming of terminals: Terminal-## instead of Terminal (##) #3 - Number for terminals start with "Terminal" then the second one "Terminal-2...

December 15th
Igor Vinokur Synchronised OnPremises 4.0 packaging with latest commits from cloud-ide 4.0
Eugene Ivantsov shrinking che docker image to 740 mb
reducing image to ~750MB by using JRE and moving chown instruction to CMD

Alexander Garagatyi Add possibility to trigger host Docker API from within a docker container. Works when DOCKER_HOST is set on the host. TLS should be disabled (FYI users of OsX or Windows)!
To use it define `DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:2376` or other host dependent on your configuration.

December 16th
Artem Zatsarynnyi Reworked saving/restoring last session state of IDE:
* restoring opened files;
* restoring active file;
* expanding parent nodes (folders/packages) of all opened files;
* restoring visibility of hidden files.

Also changed behavior of 'show/hide hidden files' feature. Now it affects on a whole tree but not only to the active project.
Artem Zatsarynnyi Moved 'core' preference pages (Appearance, Plugins) to the same package where 'PreferencesPresenter' is

Vitalii Parfonov
Please test thoroughly on Linux before accepting, including ability to create new workspaces, launch terminal, etc. Move LICENSE to \tomcat Move LICENSE-logback to \tomcat Move LICENSE-mit to \to...

Roman Nikitenko We show the loader for dev machine when this one is starting 
So we shouldn't duplicate message in machine panel
We show the loader for dev machine when this one is starting So we shouldn't duplicate message in machine panel

Add the icons for the statuses of loader.
Change the icon for error state.
Fix bug: initialize workspace operation is never in Success state
Add the icons for the statuses of loader. Change the icon for error state. Fix bug: initialize workspace operation is never in Success state

Show output of executing command in new panel if current command isn't stopped/finished
Show output of executing command in the same panel if current command is stopped/finished
Show output of executing command in new panel if current command isn't stopped/finished Show output of executing command in the same panel if current command is stopped/finished

December 17th
Vitalii Parfonov Fix variables in assembly
che - Eclipse Che: High performance developer workspaces, cloud IDE, and plug-ins

December 17th
Vlad Zhukovskiy The next phase will be adopting locale constants in whole project

December 18th
Vlad Zhukovskiy Mark readonly opened files with another color
If user navigates in source code by pressing F4, he can open decompiled class from jar library, so we may mark editor tab with special color to allow user understand where exactly he is.
Screencast of this functionality
Feature request. If user navigates in source code by pressing F4, he can open decompiled class from jar library, so we may mark editor tab with special color to allow user understand where exactly ...

Igor Vinokur Add Api-docs-ui dependency for tomcat installation manager in OnPremises

Dmytro Nochevnov Add ability to add/remove nodes in Codenvy 4.0 OnPrem by using installation manager.

Vlad Zhukovskiy Add ability to close editor tab by middle mouse click (mouse wheel)

December 20th
Artem Zatsarynnyi Cleaned-up *che-core-ide-api* (removed obsolete API)

Ann Shumilova Removed unused resources (icons, images)

Artem Zatsarynnyi Removed obsolete SDK-runner used Runner API from 3.x
Cleaned-up *che-plugin-sdk-env-local* module

Yevhenii Voevodin Fixed bug with workspace status. Workspace won't stack either in  'STARTING' or in 'STOPPING' status when build of docker image is failed 
+ added graceful stop of `RuntimeWorkspaceRegistry`

December 21st
Vlad Zhukovskiy *Proposal to add context menu to editor tabs*
Context menu contains:
Close action - closes current selected editor.
Close All action - closes all opened editors.
Close All but Pinned action - closes all editors that don't have pin.
Close Other action - closes all editors but leaves current selected.
Reopen Closed Tab action - reopens last closed editor.
Pin/Unpin Editor Tab - mark/unmark current selected tab with pin.
@musienko.maksim: Happy New Year! :simple_smile:(edited)

*Proposal to add recent files functionality*
New dialog will display list of recently opened files (file name and path).
Double clicking on file will open editor.
User may call this dialog by hotkey Ctrl+E (Linux/Windows) or Command+E (Mac)
Also new menu item: Edit->Recent.
Will contains the same list. Also user can clear recent list by menu item Edit->Recent->Clear Recent List

Andrienko Alexander IDEX-3593 IDEX-3792 IDEX-3593: Adapt ui ide for packaging information. Display 'Che' for che packaging in the browser tab title, add different logo for che and codenvy packaging in the about dialog.Update help menu: delete url to forum, 'Feature vote', 'Create ticket', add
support links. DocumentTitleDecorator replaced by ProductDataProvider which contains more usefull information
Display 'Che' for che packaging in the browser tab title, add different logo for che and codenvy packaging in the about dialog.Update help menu: delete url to forum, 'Feature vote', 'Create ticket'...
Display 'Che' for che packaging in the browser tab title, add different logo for che and codenvy packaging in the about dialog.Update help menu: delete url to forum, 'Feature vote', 'Create ticket'...

Oleksii Orel Сommand wizard improvements(add hotkeys, fix bugs)
enter/return - save configuration
INSERT  -  add new command configuration
DELETE - delete command configuration
tab - switching between input fields and buttons within the window
​​​*Pull Requests*​​​ :

December 22nd
Igor Vinokur Added custom factory-war in OnPremises  that related to odyssey.classifier
We need to re-pack factory war with odyssey resources specified from odyssey.classifier variable @skabashnyuk @sleshchenko please review

Anton Korneta Added new ide popup for creation factory from workspace
*Issue* :            
*Pull requests* :

Anton Korneta Fixed behavior of docker connector in situations when docker api returned status 200 ok but in trace we had error
*Issue* :         
*Pull Request* :

Roman Iuvshin FYI
we've set 4.x version to `4.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT`

Igor Vinokur Add git compare (diff) functionality. Select any file or folder, click Git -> Compare -> With branch or With latest repo version.

December 23rd
Dmitry Shnurenko Add ability to show logs of dependencies updating for each module in different tabs

Roman Nikitenko Reset terminal state when we can't restore this one
Fix incorrect work Ctrl+O, Ctrl+C operations
Reset terminal state when we can't restore this one Fix incorrect working Ctrl+O, Ctrl+C operations

Vlad Zhukovskiy Focus element handles key events only for the first created tree widget in DOM
Adapt File Structure window
…d tree widget in DOM General stabilization of tree widget. And focus fixes. For now when user opens window with focus element it becomes active. @vparfonov @svor
IDEX-3841: Focus element handles key events only for the first create…

Artem Zatsarynnyi Added new variable for using in commands
that returns FQN of currently opened file

Artem Zatsarynnyi Disabled browser's *Ctrl+S* hot-key standard behavior

Fix behavior of terminal after re-focus
Set focus on terminal after resize
Fix NPE at resizing before terminal is connect
Add ability to select text in processes panel
Fix behavior of terminal after re-focus Set focus on terminal after resize Fix NPE at resizing before terminal is connect Add ability to select text in processes panel

Florent BENOIT Change error code returned on machine proxy servlet
error 404 changed into 503 if machine not here (service unavailable) error 500 changed into 502 if there is error when communicating (bad gateway) Change-Id: I0853af71062d7c102a8015c16c8f61097a9f8...

Artem Zatsarynnyi Renamed variables for commands:
```${class.current.fqn} --> ${current.class.fqn}```
```${project.current.path} --> ${current.project.path}```

December 24th
Anatoliy Bazko Handling deferred breakpoints. 
User add breakpoint mark, when class is loaded by JVM then breakpoint becomes active.
When JVM activate breakpoint then respective mark should be set by BreakpointManager

Igor Vinokur Do not block IDE when debugger is connecting to remote server. Notification is shown instead of blocking loader.

December 25th
Anton Korneta Fixed behavior of import projects during factory accept
*Issue* :            
*Pull Requests* :

December 28th
Alexander Garagatyi Made WS agent process a common process in machine API. Now it is possible to stream its logs using the same technique as we use to stream users commands output. 

Anton Korneta Fixed export config url
*Issue* :        
*Pull Request* :

Yevhenii Voevodin Add swagger annotations to the`WorkspaceService`

Vlad Zhukovskiy Add Alt+w hotkey for close file operation
New hotkey binded to: Win/Linux: Alt+w Mac: Ctrl+w @vparfonov

December 29th
Igor Vinokur Fixed behaviour when user clicked "Generate SSH Key and upload it on GitHub" and rejected authorization on GitHub request. It was impossible to generate GitHub SSH key manually after that. Also fixed GitHub Authorization window. It did not close after authentication but it loaded ide in that window.
Handled "onCancel" action in ask to authorize on GitHub dialog when generating SSH keys. Changed title and text in that dialog. @skabashnyuk @vparfonov please review
$wnd.IDE.config is a deprecated variable and it returns empty workspace name, so I check that loaded page url is equels to given url. @vparfonov @skabashnyuk

Igor Vinokur Add custom war-next-ide-codenvy to On-premises  to be able to change IDE.jsp
Need to create custom war-next-ide-codenvy to change IDE.jsp in it. @skabashnyuk please review

December 30th

January 4th, 2016 -----
Alexander Garagatyi Start ws agent and ping it to ensure that it is started correctly before setting running state for dev machine.

Alexander Garagatyi Added possibility to run Che with JPDA. Use -d (or --debug) option, e.g. `./ -d run` 
Fix starting Che on OpenSuse
Fix script fail on linux where OSTYPE is "linux" Make it possible to run Che in debug mode by adding -d (or --debug) option. @skabashnyuk @vparfonov @TylerJewell

Alexander Garagatyi Made docker machine cleanup docker images used for container creation

Anton Korneta Added user name to factory accept link, changed factory acceptance process
*Issue* :          
*Pull Requests* :

Valeriy Svydenko Add new feature 'Go to implementation' 
Use Ctrl+Alt+B or Assistant -> Implementation(s)

Alexander Garagatyi Added utility class into commons lang that calculates workspace folder location. Its name is WorkspaceIdHashLocationFinder. Algorithm is the same as in WorkspaceHashLocalFSMountStrategy. 

Fixed start of Che using cbuild: `cbuild --che`
To use fix make pull in deployment project

Sergii Leschenko Reworked SSH API for using it for Machine SSH and Git Ssh features
*Pull Requests :*​

Tyler Jewell Added new Che launch scripts.  Provide usage instructions, ability to change port on command line, add in debug mode, ability to launch Che as native server or docker image using same utility.  Also now require Che on windows to use Git bash to launch che.  Also, if on Mac or Windows, Che start scripts take care to launch Docker Machine, if necessary.
Tyler Jewell Added CHE_DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME environment variable to Che startup.  If set, will use this name on Windows and Mac to create a docker-machine VM with that name.  Otherwise, will default to "default" or can be overridden on command line with --machine:vm.
Assigns docker-machine name to value of CHE_DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME environment variable. Provides --machine:name override to the environment variable Sets default name to "default" if neither are set.

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