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  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-379: Change client side for merging Settings and Preference widgets. Changed Settings widget for store java compiler preferences for the current workspace. Add possibility to store error/warning java compile preferences in the CompilerSetupService for the current workspace. <>, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CODENVY-191: Added update pull request and update factory methods and each implementation., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix launching factory into inactive browser tab., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CODENVY-232: add UI elements injector service by parent id, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Add :Z suffix to mount workspace sources, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-678: Rework loading view to component, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-351. Move Preferences from Help menu to Profile menu, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] New documentation page: Running Che as a Server, Tyler Jewell
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Refine Git menu icons, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog:, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-139, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Install problems, Mike Milinkovich
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-673, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-457: add servers conf and env vars to model of machine config, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-642, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Increasing test coverage for Eclipse Che, Nicholas Lu
  • [che-dev] participate in gsoc2016, Sukant Kumar
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-176, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-676, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-52. Improve styles for focused button on dialogs, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-682: Enable debugger buttons when debugger open external files without source and debugger can continue debug application. <>, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CODENVY-167: improve the che-footer widget, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CODENVY-193: Add Jenkins build badge, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-516: Fix unexpected appearing java error "Target Java VM is not suspended" in time of debugging (when user does fast debug steps). Synchronize handling events from virtual machine with debug steps, and getting debug dump in the Debugger implementation., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-528: Resize git Merge and History icons to fit them in line, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-503: Add ability to save changes from git compare widget, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-701: Restyled debugger windows according to common style, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: add recent workspaces box on the dashboard, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Question about Uses, Roles and Workspace access, Cohen, Dror
  • [che-dev] Changelog: improve import from SSH error notification for UD, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Contribute to Eclipse CHE for Gsoc, Umang shah
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Add ability to show and copy fqn and path of files. Select some file or folder in project tree. Click Show Reference action and dialog appears in which you can see path to file and fqn of file., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Added promise-based methods for Github service client, 4_0-changeslog
  • Re: [che-dev] Interested in Eclipse CHE, Randika Navagamuwa
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Disable field auto completion after its adjustments for UD, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-140: Che cannot create projects with SELinux enabled, 4_0-changeslog
  • Re: [che-dev] che-dev Digest, Vol 15, Issue 54, Sosin, Pavel
  • [che-dev] Changelog: improve creating project flow for UD, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: remove debugger breakpoints in case of absence of linked file, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fetch module config directly from item reference, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix losing focus in editor after closing 'File structure' dialog by escape button, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Fwd: [GSOC]Building master branch of eclipse che, Randika Navagamuwa
  • [che-dev] Changelog: use quiet mode when unzipping the ws-agent, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: fix NPE because of incorrect usage of firstNonNull, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Eclipse Che ideas for Google summer of code 2016, Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-641 Add blank example project with a blank ready to go stack, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-581 [dashboard] Code refactoring not applied on workspace import, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-650 [dashboard] fix export of a workspace following workspace model change, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-275: rename DOCKER_MACHINE_HOST to CHE_DOCKER_MACHINE_HOST, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Add new font awesome icons, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Update maven-assembly-plugin version, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Provide list of exposed ports to help user to debug process on dev machine, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-75: Cut long names in editor tab., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-22: check environment parameter on workspace start, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-521: Perform git init command without initial commit, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Using TERN as ( a JavaScript Code Assistance ) backend service, Sosin, Pavel
  • [che-dev] Changelog: fix ws agent pinging by addition of ws agent api path to properties, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Style improvements for dashboard, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix JDT tests, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix output of creating new machine in existed workspace, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix appearing create ws pop-up after start or open last used workspace, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix NPE when user sends request without any parameters to template service. For now request like <http://localhost:8080/api/project-template> returns empty collection., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Added visual feedback to clarify whether machine process is finished or still running, 4_0-changeslog

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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