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  • [che-dev] Changelog: Exclude non-source directories from java project (<>)., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix equality bug in paste action (<>). Also was performed little refactoring to make code more readable. Also was added utility class which works with path's. This is client adopted utility class which is used on the server side jdt implementation. Can be useful for third-paty extensions. _(This class has created in Project Api 4 branch and anyway will be merged into master, so we can add it to the master to start work with it)_, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Change "Help &gt; Support" to "Help &gt; Community", 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Added notifications to event panel during project cloning with checkout, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-314. Exclude che-core-api-analytics from packaging into ext-server war., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix projects views in UD, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Editor tab updates for opened files if we change name or media type of file., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Reduced time to load a list of user's repositories from GitHub, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Add debug id for the testing purpose (<>). IDE loader now has debug id to allow qa team use selenium tests to test loader itself., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix lowercase first letter of the RenameRefactoringAction description <> Description for action in the IDE should begin from capital letter, because IDE shows this description in the hotkey widget, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Show 'Move' wizard after performing cut-paste operation in the project tree, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Respect workspace's attribute stackId, when create new project in existing workspace (created from stack), 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fall back to unix socket on Linux if DOCKER_HOST is malformed, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Eclipse Che Questions on Stack Overflow, Jonah Graham
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Change model of machine &amp; workspace, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: [dashboard] CHE-494 fix machine and workspace models for UD, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-50: Fixed NPE when loading list of GitHub repositories without SSH key and without any project in project explorer, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: [dashboard] CHE-549 Increase timeout values for busy server like CI/jenkins, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-120. Should not set default size for parts when user has sized the panel, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CODENVY-128. Fix configure multimodular project with module without java files., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix wrong preview URL for application, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Welcome Daria Dementieva as a new ecd.che Committer, portal on behalf of Eugene Ivantsov
  • [che-dev] Changelog: improved exception messages in MachineManager, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Improve ws-agent connection timeout message, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Improve handling of error messages from Docker, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: It was hard to click to close editor tab button, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Add footer for dashboard pages with logo and support stuff, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Display machine status next to the dev-machine, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Committer vote for Daria Dementieva has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [che-dev] Committer vote for Daria Dementieva has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Viktor Kuznyetsov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] Changelog: fix a problem with reindexing project after applying some refactoring operation, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: add Java Project Type only if there are java files in the project, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: added new field to docker API model, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] API changes, Alexander Garagatyi
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Remove oauth 1.0 api, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-265: Implement stack api in the cloud-ide and onpremises., 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: remove an unused service in UD, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Welcome Oleksii Kurinnyi as a new ecd.che Committer, portal on behalf of Sergey Kabashnyuk
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-345: allow offline machine creation, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Correctly handle exceptions and print out helpful diagnostic info in case a ws agent cannot ping Che server for whatever reason, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Stevan Le Meur, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] Changelog: CHE-507. Fix displaying configured project in project explorer after importing project, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix wrong scrolling in editor at using code assistant, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Max Shaposhnik, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Valeriy Svydenko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Rework the main header (toolbar) in dashboard and it's components, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Alexander Andrienko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Mykola Morhun, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] Changelog: che-493: Moved windows short directory conversion into bash, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Fix identical machines names for different machines, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Mark process with a badge when it has unread output, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Changelog: Test, 4_0-changeslog
  • [che-dev] Committer vote for Oleksii Kurinnyi has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [che-dev] Committer vote for Oleksii Kurinnyi has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Tyler Jewell, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Tyler Jewell, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Vitaliy Guliy, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Gennady Azarenkov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Vitalii Parfonov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Anatoliy Bazko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Stephane Tournier, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Dmitry Shnurenko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] ? for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Dmitry Shnurenko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Oleksii Orel, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Maxim Musienko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Artem Zatsarynnyy, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Aleksandr Shmaraiev, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Florent Benoit, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Roman Iuvshin, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Dmytro Nochevnov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Evgen Vidolob, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Michail Kuznyetsov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Eugene Voevodin, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Alexander Garagatyi, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Vladyslav Zhukovskiy, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Ann Shumilova, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Roman Nikitenko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Sergey Kabashnyuk, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Igor Vinokur, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Daria Dementieva on ecd.che by Sergii Leschenko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] Vote for Committer status for Daria Dementieva was started by Eugene Ivantsov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] Che RC3 Shipped, Tyler Jewell
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Eugene Voevodin, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] Welcome Mykola Morhun as a new ecd.che Committer, portal on behalf of Sergey Kabashnyuk
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Vitaliy Guliy, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Dmitry Shnurenko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Viktor Kuznyetsov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Alexander Andrienko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Aleksandr Shmaraiev, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Anton Korneta, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Maxim Musienko, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Alexander Garagatyi, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Eugene Ivantsov, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Ann Shumilova, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Oleksii Orel, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Roman Iuvshin, portal on behalf of
  • [che-dev] +1 for Oleksii Kurinnyi on ecd.che by Evgen Vidolob, portal on behalf of

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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