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  • Re: [] Advance Property textual Editor for the Operation UML element, (continued)
  • [] tests JUnit for ModelExplorer, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] [UMLDiagramUpadter] Worng implementation of generated code, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] Refactoring : ServiceRegistry, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [] Papyrus refactoring, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [] Refactor Analysis on model explorer, FAURE Tristan
  • [] Papyrus SR1, MRAIDHA Chokri 176997
  • [] Plug-in version from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [] Menus for creation of Diagrams UML/SysML and Table, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] new Papyrus plugin, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] [Refactoring] Execute all commands on a same command stack, HEMERY Vincent
  • [] Papyrus source build, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [] LoadResourceAction implemented but not available, HEMERY Vincent
  • [] [incoming] new plugins - Java code generator, Cedric Dumoulin
  • [] [incoming] new plugins - Profil for Java code generator and reverse, Cedric Dumoulin
  • [] Papyrus incoming folder, GERARD Sebastien 166342
  • [] Welcome Arthur Daussy as a new modeling.mdt.papyrus Committer, portal on behalf of Vincent Hemery
  • [] new plugins in trunk/incoming : org.eclipse.papyrus.modelexplorer.resourceloading, HEMERY Vincent
  • [] Availability of diagram creation commands, HEMERY Vincent
  • [] VSL Example on a UML model, Esteban Dugueperoux
  • [] Committer vote for Arthur Daussy has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [] Committer vote for Arthur Daussy has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of Vincent Hemery
  • [] +1 for Arthur Daussy on modeling.mdt.papyrus by Raphael Faudou, portal on behalf of Raphael Faudou
  • [] Requirement Table, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] +1 for Arthur Daussy on modeling.mdt.papyrus by Tristan FAURE, portal on behalf of Tristan FAURE
  • [] +1 for Arthur Daussy on modeling.mdt.papyrus by Mathieu Velten, portal on behalf of Mathieu Velten
  • [] +1 for Arthur Daussy on modeling.mdt.papyrus by David Servat, portal on behalf of David Servat
  • [] Vote for Committer status for Arthur Daussy was started by Vincent Hemery, portal on behalf of Vincent Hemery
  • [] Updating Papyrus user tutorials, HEMERY Vincent
  • [] Eclipse project proposal: Requirements Modeling Framework (ReqIF implementation), Andreas Graf
  • [] Status of EMF Diagram tools, Miles Parker
  • [] Moderated list?, Miles Parker
  • Re: [] new plugins in trunk/incoming : oep.customaction, FAURE Tristan
  • [] TR: [emf-dev] Mylyn Context Bridge / Request for large models, GERARD Sebastien 166342
  • [] Mylyn Context Bridge / Request for large models, Miles Parker
  • [] new folder on the SVN : sandbox, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] new plugins in trunk/incoming : oep.decoration & oep.markerlistener, EL KOUHEN Amine
  • [] TR: Planning SRs indigo, GERARD Sebastien 166342
  • [] Nightly builds update sites, MRAIDHA Chokri 176997
  • [] TR: [] Eclipse Member Newsletter, July 2011 edition, GERARD Sebastien 166342
  • [] New SVN folder, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [] About incoming, GERARD Sebastien 166342
  • [] An other remainder for Commit, GERARD Sebastien 166342
  • [] Next commits, GERARD Sebastien 166342
  • [] Papyrus 0.8 release, MRAIDHA Chokri 176997
  • Re: [] Contribution: RM-ODP plugin., GERARD Sebastien 166342
  • [] Welcome Amine EL KOUHEN as a new modeling.mdt.papyrus Committer, portal on behalf of Cedric Dumoulin
  • [] Welcome Camille Letavernier as a new modeling.mdt.papyrus Committer, portal on behalf of Sebastien Gerard
  • [] Papyrus RC4, MRAIDHA Chokri 176997
  • [] Edge creation, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] Committer vote for Amine EL KOUHEN has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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