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  • Re: [] writing a program which creates .notation & .di file out of an .uml file, (continued)
  • [] A doc on ergonomi..., GERARD Sebastien 166342
  • [] Modification of generation template, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] Papyrus M6 build on Wednesday, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [] bugzilla - MDT Papyrus component not available, FAUDOU Raphael
  • [] Bug #373670, FAURE Tristan
  • [] Property View selection dialogs, FAURE Tristan
  • [] Abstract operations, FAURE Tristan
  • [] Indigo SR2 / Papyrus 0.8.2, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [] bug 371653: [EditingDomain] The Editing domain should be disposed when Papyrus close, Cedric Dumoulin
  • [] EMF-Facet refactoring and Papyrus Table, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] Questions for an embedded CompareEditor in Papyrus, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] Papyrus 0.8 SR2_RC4, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [] Papyrus 0.9: UML Diagram Common refactoring, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [] [sashEditor] SashEditor should run on both 3.8 and 4.x (juno), Cedric Dumoulin
  • [] Papyrus architecture, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [] OCL Validation, Ed Willink
  • [] stop your commit on trunk and branch, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] [Core] How to get the ServicesRegistry from an EObject, Cedric Dumoulin
  • [] [DeleteFromDiagramCommandHandler] Canonical Edge, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] minor changes in the process for new plugins submission, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] stop to commit on the papyrus branch, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] oep.infra.hyperlink, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] Papyrus build is now available, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] papyrus job, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] Build Trunk, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] UML Service type, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] Refactoring oep.infra.core.adaptor.gmf -> oep.infra.gmfdiag.common, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] Papyrus M4, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] stop commit on the papyrus head, LORENZO Vincent
  • [] External label problem, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] Transaction Editing Domain ID, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] GIT migration, VELTEN Mathieu
  • [] [Refactoring] Generation of state machien diagram, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] End refactoring, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] [State Machine] CustomTransitionGuardEditPart, DAUSSY Arthur
  • [] EMF Compare Integration build Logical Model, UML, Papyrus, EcoreTools and GMF Integration, Cédric Brun
  • [] Advance Property textual Editor for the Operation UML element, DAUSSY Arthur

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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