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Re: [] Menus for creation of Diagrams UML/SysML and Table


De : [] De la part de GERARD Sebastien 166342
Envoyé : jeudi 22 septembre 2011 16:14
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] Menus for creation of Diagrams UML/SysML and Table


Raphael ?


I agree with the final purpose as explained in your example. The main pb is that today we have not the suitable mechanism in Papyrus to achieve this purpose. As for example, at the moment, when you apply the SysML profile, all diagram editors are visible and usable even if they should not if a user want to apply strictly UML.

[FAUDOU Raphael] Yes, I have open a bug on that a month ago:


So the proposal of Vincent was an intermediate proposal to be able to achieve this purpose waiting we have a more powerful mechanism allowing to achieve the real purpose.

[FAUDOU Raphael] Since today, I might have a small budget to work on that bug after TOPCASED 5.1. = mid October. (To confirm within two weeks). If you can wait, then we will have the final goal.

[FAUDOU Raphael] If you need an intermediate solution quickly (for one customer for instance) feel free to create those categories but please provide some option so that we can hide them.







Sébasten Gérard

CEA LIST, Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués (LISE),
Point Courrier 94, Gif-sur-Yvette, F-91191 France


De : [] De la part de FAUDOU Raphael
Envoyé : jeudi 22 septembre 2011 16:03
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] Menus for creation of Diagrams UML/SysML and Table



De : [] De la part de FAUDOU Raphael
Envoyé : jeudi 22 septembre 2011 15:31
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] Menus for creation of Diagrams UML/SysML and Table


Hi Vincent,


I do not see why we should have to mention the language as it is redundant information. In current model, the tool knows if the selected element belongs to a UML package or a SysML one and depending of this data it has to provide appropriate diagrams.

[SG>] To determine which diagrams are possible on a given element is not really in the language definition, but rather in the definition of the usage of the language. The idea in this gathering is to have a simple way to be able to use only SysML diagram when SysML is applied and UML diagrams in other case. I am not sure to see why it is a pb for you Raphael to have this distinction?

[FAUDOU Raphael] simply because most of our industrial end users DO NOT WANT TO KNOW/CHOOSE between UML and SysML and you have to think more generally with other profiles applied (MARTE, ECSS…).

So if you think it is important to get distinction, then please provide some preference to hide this intermediate distinction. You will have sub menu with language editor (hierarchical presentation of diagrams) and our end users will have sub menu containing directly all appropriate diagrams to current context (flat presentation)

Tomorrow I want to apply a space profile on some package of my model and want the tool to propose only space diagrams for this package.

[FAUDOU Raphael] you did not comment this example which is really realistic. In that case, the end user wants its space diagram to appear as choices, not UML or SysML…



OK to consider tables as diagrams and put them in the same menu, eventually with a separator.




Raphaël Faudou


+33 534 363 289

+33 610 535 044


De : [] De la part de LORENZO Vincent
Envoyé : jeudi 22 septembre 2011 15:19
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [] Menus for creation of Diagrams UML/SysML and Table


Hi all,

  I’m thinking about the organisation of the menu for the Diagram/Table creation. Currently we group the creation commands by type of editors : we have a menu for the Diagram and another one for the table. I think it would be interesting to change this organization to group these editors following their languages like in the « New Papyrus Model Wizard ».

So I propose to change the current menus in order to get :

                               - UML Editors

                                               - ClassDiagram

                                               - Activity Diagram, …


                                               - Default Table

                               - SysML Editors

                                               - BDD

                                               - IDB;...


                                               - Requirement Table

                                               - Allocation Table



What is your opinion about these changes ?



Vincent Lorenzo



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