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[] [State Machine] CustomTransitionGuardEditPart



 I’m currently working on the bug In order resolve the problem I have made the patch you can find in attachment.

 During the correction it appears to me that the Class CustomTransitionGuardEditPart is the problem (with other stuff). Moreover after correcting the problem it seems that this class became useless.

 So, I would like to know if anyone would have a reason to keep it?

 After validation I will commit this patch.




Arthur Daussy
Atos Origin Intégration
6 impasse Alice Guy
BP 43045
31024 Toulouse Cedex 3

Telephone : +33 (0) 5 34 36 32 90



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Attachment: org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.statemachine.patch
Description: org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.statemachine.patch

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