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Re: [] Papyrus source build



There was still some incorrect plug-ins. The following plug-ins’ have been updated (Either on the trunk, branch or both) :


Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.constraintwithessentialocl.editor.xtext.source_0.8.1.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.core.resourceloading.source_0.8.1.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.export.source_0.8.1.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.algorithms.gridAlgorithm.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.algorithms.horizontalAlgorithm.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.algorithms.horizontalSymmetryAlgorithm.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.algorithms.horizontalTreeAlgorithm.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.algorithms.radialAlgorithm.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.algorithms.springAlgorithm.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.algorithms.treeAlgorithm.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.algorithms.verticalAlgorithm.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.algorithms.verticalSymmetryAlgorithm.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.layouttool.subeditor.gmf.source_0.8.0.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.modelexplorer.resourceloading.source_0.8.1.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.onefile.source_0.8.1.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.onefile_0.8.1.v201109141243.jar

Missing about.html in file: org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml.diagram.parametric.source_0.8.1.v201109141243.jar


Don’t forget to update the plug-ins if you’re using them, as there will still be some svn conflicts due to the re-formatting of the files.




De : [] De la part de LETAVERNIER Camille
Envoyé : mardi 13 septembre 2011 13:28
À :
Objet : [] Papyrus source build




For a few weeks now, Papyrus has been shipping a source build. However, barely any plug-ins did provide a correct file for the source build.


(Almost) all plug-ins have been refactored to include the following changes :


-          Added the missing about.html file to a few plug-ins

-          The source build has been copied from the binary build for all plug-ins


As these modifications have been done automatically, the formatting may have changed for almost all files, which may result in SVN conflicts for the next commit if you don’t update the files beforehand. So, please update your plug-ins before you meet the problem.


The modifications have been committed on both the branch and the trunk.


Bugzilla task :


357348: [Build] Papyrus shall provide a source build




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