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Re: [] [Refactoring] Execute all commands on a same command stack


  This plugin introduces dependencies on GMF and GEF in the oep.core plugin .
  •  The plugin depends on GMF and GEF,
  • The oep.core plugin has been modified to depend on the oep.command plugin :-(. 
  Remember that we are trying to remove from oep.core all dependencies to technologies like GMF, EMF, GEF, ... (see bug 296110: [core] Remove EMF dependency from core

  So, you should not make the oep.core depend on the oep.command.
  Can you please remove from oep.core the introduced dependencies on oep.command,  GMF and GEF as soon as possible ?


HEMERY Vincent a écrit :

I have submitted bug number #357250

In this bug, the problem is that commands are executed on various edit(ing) domains and command stacks, which causes different reactions for the application.
Hence, in the comments, I am discussing a solution for executing all commands on the same command stack, by the mean of proxies.

Regarding development, this has little impact, except the usage of

will be forbidden, since it bypasses these mecanisms.

You will find more technical information on the bug. Please, discuss this solution by adding comments on the bug if needed.

Best regards,

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