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[] Papyrus refactoring : oep.modelexplorer


  Concerning the refactoring,  I would like to have a new plugin org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.modelexplorer, in order to separate the current modelexplorer from the editors.

I did this thing for the Table Editor without problem.


Moreover, I think it is possible to get plugins oep.diagram.modelexplorer and oep.table.modelexplorer without dependencies on UML.

Currently, we display the Diagrams using a facet. This facet is defined on uml.Element, but I provided a patch [1] to EMF-Facet to allow to define this facet on ecore.EObject.

In this case, I believe that we will be able to obtain oep.diagram.modelexplorer and oep.table.modelexplorer without dependencies on UML.


To conclude, we will get 4 plugins for the modelexplorer:

  Oep.modelexplorer : an modelexplorer without dependencies on GMF Diagrams, Tables and UML

  Oep.uml.modelexplorer : to manage the UML elements

  Oep.table.modelexplorer : to manage the tables

Oep.diagram.modelexplorer : to manage the diagrams


Do you agree with these ideas ?


[1] see bug  359795


Best regards,


Vincent Lorenzo

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