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  • Re: [cu-dev] Release job, (continued)
  • [cu-dev] Parent Pom PR, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [cu-dev] FYI Jenkins Jobs, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [cu-dev] Checking in -- progress towards finishing Concurrency Utilities 3.0?, Ed Bratt
  • [cu-dev] Fw: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Component specification deadline pushed to Feb 28, Nathan Rauh
  • [cu-dev] Migrating repos to, David Blevins
  • [cu-dev] Collecting and tracking Concurrency 3.0 TCK scenarios and a question on EJB, Nathan Rauh
  • [cu-dev] Will there be a staged Jakarta Concurrency 3.0 SPEC API release candidate jar available, Scott Marlow
  • [cu-dev] pull to update to 3.0 SNAPSHOT needs review, Nathan Rauh
  • [cu-dev] Concurrency 3.0 pulls ready for review: #38, #40, #46, #100, #101, Nathan Rauh
  • [cu-dev] Do you plan to move your TCK tests out of the Platform TCK project for Jakarta EE 10+?, Scott Marlow
  • [cu-dev] Ready for review: #38, #40, #46, #100, #101, Nathan Rauh
  • [cu-dev] Jakarta EE 10 and breaking changes, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [cu-dev] Thoughts on attempting to move Jakarta Concurrency into Web Profile., Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [cu-dev] Please review Jakarta EE Concurrency TCK contents and approve promotion issue, Ed Bratt
  • [cu-dev] Ready for review: #40, #100, #101 for transferring over MicroProfile API to Jakarta EE Concurrency 3.0, Nathan Rauh
  • [cu-dev] Thoughts on how to manage PRs for new api features, Steve Millidge (Payara)

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