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  • [cu-dev] Concurrency 3.0 TCK test failures in ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinitionTests.testScheduleWithCronTrigger, Scott Marlow
  • [cu-dev] Vote: Should api/spec and tck/tck-dist have diverging service releases?, Kyle Aure
  • [cu-dev] Concurrency 3.1 Ballot Successful!, Ed Bratt
  • [cu-dev] Mentor Review Feedback, Concurrency 3.1, Ed Bratt
  • [cu-dev] [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Concurrency 3.1 release review, Nathan Rauh
  • [cu-dev] Classes on which the XYZDefinition is valid in case of CDI, Arjan Tijms
  • [cu-dev] Concurrency 3.1 TCK results for component specification release review, Nathan Rauh
  • [cu-dev] Help needed removing artifact from, Kyle Aure
  • [cu-dev] Qualifiers in *Definition annotations, Petr Aubrecht
  • [cu-dev] Jenkins Outage, Kyle Aure
  • [cu-dev] Component spec review deadline and when to create 3.1 RC1 and staging of final, Nathan Rauh
  • Re: [cu-dev] BALLOT Behavior of virtual=true on Java SE 17 (vote by Thurs Feb 15), Ed Burns
  • [cu-dev] FYI: Progress Review Ballot regarding 17 and 21: completed, Ed Burns
  • [cu-dev] Behavior of virtual=true on Java SE 17, Nathan Rauh
  • [cu-dev] Please review the proposed update to the Jakarta Concurrency specification page, Ivar Grimstad
  • [cu-dev] Service Release 3.0.3 Question, Kyle Aure

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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