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Re: [cu-dev] Release job


The job starts to look good, great (no pun) job! ;)

One small remark, maybe it's a good idea to rename the release job to "concurrency_build-and-stage"? Since what the job does is building and staging, so naming the job after what it does may make more sense. Many other CIs use that name for this (almost all of them are based on the same original script for this).

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 9:36 PM Steve Millidge (Payara) <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think I have got the release job into a stage where it may work. I’ve only run a dry run but it is building the tck jar.

Jakarta Concurrency - Concurrency API release #61 [Jenkins] (





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