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  • [cu-dev] 3.0.1 API and Concurrency TCK is on Staging, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • Re: [cu-dev] [jakartaee-platform-dev] [glassfish-dev] PR for Jakarta EE 10 results, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [cu-dev] Concurrency TCK and Web Profile?, arjan tijms
  • [cu-dev] PR for disabling Accepted TCK challenges, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [cu-dev] Jakarta EE 10 ballot, arjan tijms
  • [cu-dev] Finalise the api service release, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [cu-dev] TCK Service release, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [cu-dev] Concurrency TCK deployed to Maven central and available from download not the same?, arjan tijms
  • [cu-dev] Concurrency 3.0.0 Dependency Issues, Jan Westerkamp
  • Re: [cu-dev] [glassfish-dev] Omniconcurrent, arjan tijms
  • [cu-dev] Service Release, Steve Millidge (Payara)
  • [cu-dev] Concurrency DeploymentDescriptorTests failing, arjan tijms
  • [cu-dev] glassfish-7 nightly bundle with concurrency TCK 3.0, Gurunandan Rao
  • [cu-dev] 'EJB Container initialization error' for concurrency TCK run with Glassfish 7, Gurunandan Rao
  • [cu-dev] Committer Election for Petr Aubrecht on Jakarta Concurrency™ has started, emo
  • [cu-dev] unchanged JNDI in CompletableFuture.thenAcceptAsync() created from ManageExecutorService, Petr Aubrecht
  • [cu-dev] Release Review Started!, Ed Bratt
  • [cu-dev] Correct context save for ManagedThreadFactory, Petr Aubrecht
  • [cu-dev] Concurrency spec release review issue is ready, Nathan Rauh
  • Re: [cu-dev] TCK re-spin needed and Jenkins job does not appear to be overwriting promoted, Nathan Rauh
  • [cu-dev] Promoted and Staged TCKs on our downloads, Steve Millidge (Payara)

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