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Re: [cu-dev] Concurrency 3.0 pulls ready for review: #38, #40, #46, #100, #101

Sure, that sounds good.  Hopefully we will start to see more involvement from the community as well now with the ability to start making improvements to specifications. Thanks for getting the word out!

From:        "Steve Millidge (Payara)" <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To:        "cu developer discussions" <cu-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:        08/10/2021 06:52 AM
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] Re: [cu-dev] Concurrency 3.0 pulls ready for review: #38, #40, #46, #100, #101
Sent by:        "cu-dev" <cu-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>



I will get my team to review. I’m also trying to push to get more feedback and involvement from others through a number of JUG talks and Jakarta tech talks. I’d like to get together a team that is interested in driving this forward in the Jakarta EE 10 timeframe.


I think it would be good to also have a co-project lead so I don’t feel the burden to drive the specification falls to me. @Nathan would you be interested in being a co-project lead?




From:cu-dev <cu-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Nathan Rauh
09 August 2021 22:31
cu developer discussions <cu-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[cu-dev] Concurrency 3.0 pulls ready for review: #38, #40, #46, #100, #101


Now that we are at a point where we can start making updates for Jakarta EE 10, could specification participants review the 5 pulls for the Concurrency 3.0 planned items below (whichever you are comfortable with reviewing) and make comments in them regarding any changes that are needed or otherwise approve them for merging? Thanks!

#40Completion stages backed by ManagedExecutorService
pull to review:

#100ContextService methods for contextualizing individual dependent stage actions
pull to review:

#101Completion stages backed by a ContextService
pull (also contains the commit for #100 which is a prereq due to references made in JavaDoc):
commit that is unique to this pull to review:

#38Define Concurrency Resources Portably
This pull is the first step - getting the annotations defined with the most basic attributes.
pull to review:

#46Parallel Stream Support
The most I can see doing for this one is to have ManagedThreadFactory also implement ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.  Alternatively, we could do nothing and leave it to the user to implement something similar based on ContextService.
pull to review:

Nathan Rauh/Rochester/IBM
cu developer discussions <cu-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
05/10/2021 04:29 PM
Ready for review: #38, #40, #46, #100, #101

In addition to the 3 pulls that I mentioned previously (forwarded) for bringing over MicroProfile API,
the following 2 pulls are also ready for review:

#38Define Concurrency Resources Portably
This pull is the first step - getting the annotations defined with the most basic attributes.
pull to review:

#46Parallel Stream Support
The most I can see doing for this one is to have ManagedThreadFactory also implement ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.  Alternatively, we could do nothing and leave it to the user to implement something similar based on ContextService.
pull to review:

see below for 3 additional pulls to copy over MicroProfile API,

----- Forwarded by Nathan Rauh/Rochester/IBM on 05/10/2021 04:11 PM -----

Nathan Rauh/Rochester/IBM
cu developer discussions <cu-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
03/31/2021 10:11 AM
Ready for review: #40, #100, #101 for transferring over MicroProfile API to Jakarta EE Concurrency 3.0

Given the amount of proposed content for Concurrency in Jakarta 10, I've started putting together pulls for the MicroProfile-related enhancements currently in the
Milestone 3 list, starting with the ones for copying over API methods around CompletionStage/CompletableFuture.  The following 3 are ready to start reviewing now (I won't actually be merging anything until after the release plan is official, and of course pending approval from the community)

When reviewing these, it will be helpful to note that MicroProfile class ManagedExecutor is the equivalent of our ManagedExecutorService,
and MicroProfile class ThreadContext is the equivalent of our ContextService.

The method signatures themselves are an exact copy (which will be great for compatibility), except for the one place where MicroProfile's ManagedExecutor has a getThreadContext method that returns a ThreadContext, which is switched to ContextService. The intent behind the MicroProfile method here is so that threadContext/contextService.withContextCapture(completionStage/completableFuture) can create CompletionStage/CompletableFuture proxies that are backed by the ManagedExecutor.  But managedExecutor[Service].copy(completionStage/completableFuture) can already do that.  We can decide if the equivalent getContextService method is really wanted/needed here, and if not, I can remove it.  To start out with, I included it in the pull so that you have the opportunity to see what it would look like if we did include it. Please add your feedback on it in the review.  I would be happy with either outcome and will go with the majority on it.

#40Completion stages backed by ManagedExecutorService
pull to review:

#100ContextService methods for contextualizing individual dependent stage actions
pull to review:

#101Completion stages backed by a ContextService
pull (also contains the commit for #100 which is a prereq due to references made in JavaDoc):
commit that is unique to this pull to review:

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