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[cu-dev] Will there be a staged Jakarta Concurrency 3.0 SPEC API release candidate jar available

[1] has other SPEC API jars that have been made available via some special Eclipse mechanism I believe that is used by other SPEC API projects. 

I'm asking since it is not 100% clear if [2] will include the ability to run Jakarta EE Platform container tests in the Concurrency TCK.  If the concurrency project could push a release candidate of the Concurrency SPEC API jar to [1], the platform TCK could start building with that (in case we need the Platform TCK to run a set of Concurrency tests still).

Full disclosure, we need to solve [3] which is about adding (Jakarta EE implementation specific) deployment descriptors to Standalone SPEC TCKs that want to run Platform tests that require specific vendor specific configuration via deployment descriptors.  The existing Concurrent TCK tests that currently have files that are found by search `find -name *sun*.xml` will need a way to deploy such vendor deployment descriptors.


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