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  • Re: [] OCL recursive operation, (continued)
  • [] Equality, Axel Uhl
  • [] Java Versions, Ed Willink
  • [] M6a for EclipseCon, Ed Willink
  • [] General question regarding bugs in existing impl vs. Pivot impl, Axel Uhl
  • [] Benchmark results OCL/Ecore Plugin Tests, Axel Uhl
  • [] Benchmarks, Axel Uhl
  • [] M6 today, Ed Willink
  • Re: [] [Bug 339077] [releng] Buckminster commands used in Hudson in a file in CVS., Axel Uhl
  • [] Old Console bug fix, Ed Willink
  • [] CVS Clean Up, Ed Willink
  • [] Build restored, Adolfo Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera
  • Re: [] [Bug 339052] [environment] Optional lookup of E Packages in Registry by URI key, Willink, Ed
  • Re: [] [Bug 339052] [environment] Optional lookup of EPackages in Registry by URI key, Axel Uhl
  • [] Commit of Bug 339052: lookupPackage strategies, Ed Willink
  • [] Added hint to alternative ExtentMap in evaluatingConstraints.html, Axel Uhl
  • [] Build non-progress, Ed Willink
  • [] Javadoc builds, Ed Willink
  • [] Compilation warnings, Ed Willink
  • Re: [] Patch for, Axel Uhl
  • [] Xtext Console plugin, Ed Willink
  • [] Complete OCL and custom message support, Ed Willink
  • [] Build ok again, Axel Uhl
  • [] Hanging build, Axel Uhl
  • [] Fwd: Re: MWE Releng: Some questions, Adolfo Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera
  • [] Fwd: Build failed in Hudson: buckminster-mdt-ocl-core-3.1-nightly #244, Ed Willink
  • [] First shot at impact analyzer doc, Axel Uhl

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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