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  • [oniro-wg] Secure Your Early Bird Registration OCX 2024, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] 2024 IoT & Embedded Developer Survey Closes on July 31st, Amin Rasti
  • [oniro-wg] OCX 2024 program is available, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro Q2 status update, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM Steering Committee meeting 224wk24, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Register for OCX 2024!, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro WG SC Approved MoM 2024wk20, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Workshop Thnik Global Code Local, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Submit your talk by 31 May to be part of OCX, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] 2024 IoT and Embedded Developer Survey is now live, Amin Rasti
  • [oniro-wg] Aprroved version of the MoM 2024wk14, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] (no subject), Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro Roadmap definition, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro Working Group - Election Results, Zahra Fazli
  • [oniro-wg] Second session of Oniro Roadmap definition, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Analysis of 2024 Q1 Execution, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro WG Q1 status analysis reminder, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM SC 2024wk12 approved version, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Invitation: Oniro Roadmap Workshop @ Tue 23 Apr 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm (GMT+2) (oniro-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx), Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Welcome to GOSIM Europe and Rust Industry Track (May 6-7) Delft, The Netherlands, Mats Lundgren
  • [oniro-wg] 2024 Oniro Working Group Elections Coming Soon!, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Roadmap workshop - Consolidation, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM Steering Committee 2024wk12, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro Roadmap workshop, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] 2024 Oniro Roadmap definition workshop, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Approved version of MoM Oniro SC 2024wk8, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM Steering Committee meeting 2024wk6, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM Oniro Steering Committee meeting 2024wk4 available, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Cancellation of the today marketing SC meeting and actions for the community, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM Oniro SC 2024 wk2 - 11-01-2024, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Meeting Minutes Steering Committee wk50, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Meeting Minutes Steering Committee wk48, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Minutes from the SC meeting on week 46, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] FOSSDEM 24 Call for Papers, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] ThreadX comes to Eclipse and it needs you!, Frédéric Desbiens
  • [oniro-wg] Invites to Oniro WG events, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] TheiaCon event, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2023wk40, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Recap of Oniro at Eclipsecon 2023, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro Eclipsecon 2023 coordination, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2023wk36, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro Eclipsecon Coordination, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Invitation: Oniro Eclipsecon 2023 coordination @ Wed Oct 4, 2023 3pm - 3:25pm (CEST) (oniro-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx), juan . rico
  • [oniro-wg] Eclipsecon 2023 Coordination, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Updates in Oniro WG, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2023wk30, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] Invitation: Oniro Working Group Updates @ Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:30pm - 3:20pm (CEST) (oniro-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx), juan . rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2023wk22, Juan Rico
  • [oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2023wk18, Sharon Corbett
  • [oniro-wg] EclipseCon 2023: Proposal Submission Deadline is June 16th, Sharon Corbett
  • [oniro-wg] Updated invitation with note: Oniro WG SC - open to Member representatives @ Monthly from 9:30am to 9:55am on the first Thursday from Thu Apr 6 to Wed May 31 (EDT) (oniro-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx), sharon . corbett
  • [oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2023wk14, Sharon Corbett
  • [oniro-wg] IoText Foundation Interest in Silver Member Seat on Oniro WG Marketing Committee, Sharon Corbett
  • Re: [oniro-wg] IoTeX's Marketing Nominee, Chiara DelFabbro
  • [oniro-wg] Help us promote the 2023 IoT & Edge Developer and Adoption Survey, Frédéric Desbiens
  • [oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2023wk10, Sharon Corbett
  • [oniro-wg] Announcing Candidates for Oniro Working Group Elections, Zahra Fazli
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro Working Group Election- Extending Nomination Period, Zahra Fazli
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro Working Group Election - Call for Nominations - Reminder, Zahra Fazli
  • [oniro-wg] Oniro Working Group Elections Announcement - Call for Nominations, Zahra Fazli
  • [oniro-wg] Updated invitation with note: Oniro WG SC - open to Member representatives @ Monthly from 9:30am to 9:55am on the first Thursday (EDT) (oniro-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx), sharon . corbett
  • [oniro-wg] Canceled event: Oniro WG SC - open to Member representatives @ Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:30am - 9:55am (EDT) (oniro-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx), sharon . corbett
  • [oniro-wg] 2023 Oniro Working Group Elections Coming Soon!, Sharon Corbett
  • [oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2023wk05, Sharon Corbett
  • [oniro-wg] Updated invitation with note: Oniro WG SC - open to Member representatives @ Every 4 weeks from 9:30am to 9:55am on Thursday (EDT) (oniro-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx), sharon . corbett
  • [oniro-wg] [Call for Proposals] Virtual IoT and Edge Days 2023, Frédéric Desbiens
  • [oniro-wg] Updated invitation with note: Oniro WG SC - open to Member representatives @ Thu Mar 9, 2023 9:30am - 9:55am (EST) (oniro-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx), sharon . corbett
  • [oniro-wg] Announcement, Paul Buck
  • [oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Marketing Commitee 2023wk06 informal meeting, Agustín Benito Bethencourt

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