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Re: AW: [udig-devel] Headless build on trunk

Thanks for the update  harald

First point is that the net.refractions.udig.jai shouldn't be part of the features because it is only for projects that do not ship a JRE with their product. uDig doesn't need this plugin so it should be removed from the features. I probably added it as a reflex.

Second point is that scala does not do the libs syncing. Part of what scala does is trigger an ant build. Checkout build.xml for the rough ant script. Scala also builds the packaged application, which is not necessary for the sdk. Most important for the SDK scala does some autoconfiguration of the properties files so that you don't have to keep updating the plugin versions in the properties file used by the ant script. This is handy because otherwise you have to change the properties file everytime you use a different version of eclipse and in a shared build like this is can be a nightmare.

As for autobuild I can't setup a server that does a build every commit but I can probably set up a nightly build system eventually. So we will at least know each day that the build was broken. Possibly even a bi-daily build.

On 26-Oct-08, at 8:30 PM, Wellmann, Harald wrote:

Headless builds are working now (for me...) after a couple of changes, tested both on win32 and linux-gtk-x86_64.

1) Get an Eclipse target to build against.

I started with an Eclipse 3.4.1 SDK, added the Delta Pack and then used the Update Manager to install EMF, GEF and XSD, including the corresponding SDKs.

Actually, it took me a while to find out it was the missing delta pack which caused the following mysterious error message in the final assembly:

[java] d:\temp\udig-sdk\builds \1.2 \assemble

2) Follow the instructions in extras/headlessbuild/README.

The build process itself is ok, but it is currently broken due to a number of problems in the uDig sources and config files and due to what looks like a bug in the Eclipse PDE internals.

There were a couple of references to non-existing source directories in some files which caused the build to fail.

A not-so-trivial issue was an incorrect feature-to-plugin dependency. Plugin net.refractions.udig.catalog.wms depends on net.refractions.udig.project.

Feature net.refractions.udig_platform-feature contains net.refractions.udig.catalog.wms but does not contain or reference net.refractions.udig.project, which cause the platform build to fail.

I solved this by moving n.r.u.catalog.wms from the platform feature to the application feature, just as a workaround, but I'd like to hear a guru's opinion on that, maybe it's better to move n.r.u.project down to platform or to eliminate the use of n.r.u.project in n.r.u.catalog.wms.

The suspected PDE bug occurs with net.refractions.udig.jai: For some reason, the compiler complains about a missing package org.eclipse.swt.widgets.

n.r.udig.jai is a fragment hosted by n.r.udig.core which reexports its dependency on org.eclipse.swt, so the SWT stuff should be visible to n.r.udig.jai. The point is that the org.swt.widgets package is contained in a fragment, and the build.xml generated by PDE for n.r.udig.jai references the bundle org.eclipse.swt, but not the fragment org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86.

The only workaround I could find was adding

extra.. = C:/eclipse/3.4.1/plugins/ org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.4.1.v3449c.jar

to the of n.r.u.jai. Yes, that's ugly! (Even when you replace the hardcoded Eclipse location by ${base}).

That's about all. I can provide more details, send a patchfile or commit the changes myself, if I get commit access to the uDig repository.

As an aside, I still do not really understand what all that Scala stuff does on top of the PDE builds, but I can see it is doing things I would like to avoid, like resyncing the n.r.udig.libs dependencies every time you run the build. This is rather annoying when you are trying to locate a problem in the build - an option to suppress that step would be helpful.

For simply building a udig or udig.sdk product, the following also works:

- Set up your Eclipse target as described above
- Sync the trunk
- Run refresh.xml in n.r.u.libs once to get the external libraries.
- Write a simple Ant file as explained in the Eclipse PDE help invoking the Eclipse antRunner with productBuild.xml.



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx im Auftrag von Wellmann, Harald
Gesendet:	Do 23.10.2008 19:33
An:	User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Betreff:	AW:[udig-devel] Headless build on trunk

Thanks for all the feedback on this issue and sorry for being out of touch; I was busy with my own project (also spending some time on batch builds....).

I hope I'll be able to catch up with the uDig trunk some time next week, and once I've got something working, I'll be happy to share any results.

One more thing: Rather than spending time on creating SDKs manually once in a while, it would be great to have a Continuous Integration server to do the job. We have been using Hudson in our team for a couple of months now, and it's really useful to get your fingers slapped immediately when you break a build or forget to commit a new source file...

And it also provides URLs like http://hudson.udig/jobs/udig/latestStableBuild for grabbing the results of a build.

Does anybody have a webserver with some CPU time to spare? If so, I'm offering to spend some time on setting up Hudson for uDig.

(I'm sorry I cannnot offer any webspace myself - corporate IT policies, as always.... As things are, I could not even set up Hudson for uDig in our company network. I cannot access the uDig and geotools repositories, as long as they use http only and not https, since our web proxy blocks the PROPFIND requests used by Subversion.)



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx im Auftrag von Jody Garnett
Gesendet:	Do 09.10.2008 18:46
An:	User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Betreff:	Re: [udig-devel] Headless build on trunk

Ugo Taddei wrote:
Thanks a lot!

It's not that don't have time to build, I honestly don't think I can actually do that. I'm new to plugin programming and it's all still a lot of magic for me.

Fair enough; I also do not understand the headless build (which would be
required to automatically build and SDK every night).
Besides, an SDK from you guys makes it a lot easier for people to start with udig.

It is true; but we only get to make an SDK when we have time/money. Sad
truth of open source development .. on the bright side we do have the
source code available; and the instructions for building the source code
are working out well.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

innovative systems GmbH Navigation-Multimedia
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Edwin Summers - Kevin Brown - Regis Baudot
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg - Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 59980

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