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[udig-devel] Headless build on trunk

I have a working environment where I can build and run uDig trunk successfully within Eclipse 3.4.

Now I'm trying to run a headless build using the stuff in extras/headlessbuild, and I've got stuck.

I'm using the same Eclipse installation that works interactively as a base or eclipseLocation for the headless build, but that fails.

The README says


The most difficult part about the build is creating a good 'buildtarget'.  The build target is an
eclipse with all the dependencies and the delta pack.  Because the error messages are poor it can be quite challenging
getting it right.


and this seems to be true...

At first, I got a whole bunch of error messages, mostly from *.nl1 bundles lacking a dependency in the range [3.2.0, 3.4.0), which I found rather strange, seeing that I was trying to build against a 3.4 target.

I discovered that these were caused by the extras-3.4.0 archive which I'd unzipped to my Eclipse dropin folder, as indicated somewhere in the Wiki pages on SDK setup. For example, this archive contains a fragment with the following manifest headers:

Bundle-SymbolicName: ;singleton=true
Bundle-Version: 3.2.0.v200606220026

Does it make sense at all to use a 3.2.0 fragment for a 3.4 build?

I removed all that extra stuff from the dropins folder. After that, my interactive uDig still works (or I should say, the subset of uDig that my own plugins depend on), so I'm not really sure what this extras archive is needed for...

Anyway, it is probably a good idea to use a separate Eclipse installation for the uDig headless build, to avoid any interference with other plugins.

But then the question remains: Should I simply take an Eclipse 3.4 SDK download? Do I need to install additional features or plugins?


innovative systems GmbH Navigation-Multimedia
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Edwin Summers - Kevin Brown - Regis Baudot 
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg - Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 59980 
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