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[udig-devel] Foss4G summary for me

Hi all,

I am on vacation for a week but I thought I would fire off a quick summary of Foss4G for those who are interested:

  • Geotools a plan has been drafted to try to manage the forking that has been taking place in that project (final approval will naturally be a long time coming)
    • The Geotools code base is going to be split into a number of small projects
    • The Geotools name will be used to describe the set of "Geotools projects"
    • The first projects that will be created are:
      • Referencing Project
      • Metadata Project
      • Coverage Project
      • Main Project
    • The Referencing, Metadata and Coverage project will be maintained by Geomatys and will have a Java 1.6 and Java 1.5 versions
    • The "Main" Project will be the current Geotools without the Metadata and Referencing modules.  It will depend on those modules.
    • As a result of this there will be 2 Coverage implementations to choose from
  • Desktop Clients
    • There was an introduction to a new Desktop GIS project.  It is java based and is called OrbisGIS.  Its license is GPL3 do it is a direct competitor to GVSig but not uDig and it is developed by what appears to be an education center in France, IRSTV.
    • GVSig and QGis are still very strong.  GVSig has become the official GIS client for Venezuela.
  • Geoserver
    • GeoServer 1.7 is about to come out it is currently a RC3. 
    • There is much talk about the WebProcessing module that Refractions has recently implemented for GeoServer and Geotools
  • JGrass
    • JGrass has finished being ported from the previous non-uDig framework to the uDig framework.  
    • For those who don't know JGrass.  It provides a User interface for running a number of Hydrological operations as well as providing a scripting interface for writing scripts using the hydrological operations as well as all of the Grass API. 
    • The hydrological operations are pure Java and if they are all that are required then Grass does not need to be installed.
    • The current work on JGrass is to create UI components for more Grass operations and create a Geotools Datastore for Grass Vector data and Grass Raster data so that any Geotools based application can access those types of data.
  • BeeGIS
    • BeeGIS is a uDig-based solution for mobile collection of data.  
    • BeeGis is designed to be run on a laptop or a Tablet PC
    • Features include:
      • Recieving data from a GPS, rendering it in the map and exporting it to Postgis or shapefiles
      • Pinning files and notes to a GPS location.  For example you could attach photos to a location and write some notes about the location.  There are some special features that allow users to annotate images that are attached to a location
      • An annotation tool for drawing on a map.  
  • Secure W*S
    • I talked to 52 North about their software for securing WMS and WFS.  They currently have layer level security and use token based security
    • They mentioned another company from Germany, I can't find the name right now, that offers bbox level security.
    • As mentioned before Geoserver provides layer level security on all of its services but only with basic authentication currently.
  • WPS
    • 52 north has had a Web Processing service for some time now.  This year they are attempting to add Coverage Processing to the offerings
    • There is a module for Geoserver that adds WebProcessing but it is not part of the official Geoserver and needs to be compiled manually.
  • Sextante
    • Sextante is now integrated in OpenJump and GVSig.  A uDig plugin will be released shortly as will integration in Talend SDI


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