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Re: [udig-devel] creating new style editor + how to deal with legend?

Cory Horner probaly wrote:
> Andrea Antonello wrote:
>> I gave it a try and I really like it! Apply and cancel work great now.
>> I can't find the way to use the import and export buttons however. Is
>> there a way?
> At the moment it only supports SLD import/export.  What is the format
> you are trying to import from?

It is the GRASS colorrules file. It is a particular ascii format which
basically defines a colorramp intervals for a given range of values. I
have to keep this format, else I break the compatibility with GRASS.

>> Another question. If I want to supply an icon for the layer map,
>> possibly made of a legend as it is in Arc. In jgrass raster type it
>> would be a colorramp with values.
>> What do you think, would it be better to use the raster icon on the
>> layer window and put the ramp only in the legend graphic?
>> In both cases, can someone please indicate me where I have to put the
>> graphics creation code?
> Eek... it's been a while since I looked at this code.  You can certainly
> call Layer.setGlyph() to define the icon for the layer, but i'm trying
> to recall if this will be persisted or if it needs to be done elsewhere.
> I would recommend changing both the layer glyph/icon and the legend
> graphic; need to make sure we're using the same terminology though -- i
> recall confusion between map and layer -- perhaps by legend you mean
> "layers view", rather than the net.refractions.udig.legend plugin.

Alright, I also feel changing both would be good. By legend I mean the
legend graphics object that is part of the map graphics.
Instead my doubt is if I should draw the same "legend" also in the
layers view, since in fact the feature layers change their color
whenever the properties are changed.
However I thought these were things to be added to the Service of the
particular data types, but I couldn't find the methods. How is
responsible to create those graphics?


> Cory.
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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