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Re: [udig-devel] creating new style editor + how to deal with legend?

Andrea Antonello wrote:
I gave it a try and I really like it! Apply and cancel work great now.
I can't find the way to use the import and export buttons however. Is
there a way?

At the moment it only supports SLD import/export. What is the format you are trying to import from?

Another question. If I want to supply an icon for the layer map,
possibly made of a legend as it is in Arc. In jgrass raster type it
would be a colorramp with values.
What do you think, would it be better to use the raster icon on the
layer window and put the ramp only in the legend graphic?
In both cases, can someone please indicate me where I have to put the
graphics creation code?

Eek... it's been a while since I looked at this code. You can certainly call Layer.setGlyph() to define the icon for the layer, but i'm trying to recall if this will be persisted or if it needs to be done elsewhere.

I would recommend changing both the layer glyph/icon and the legend graphic; need to make sure we're using the same terminology though -- i recall confusion between map and layer -- perhaps by legend you mean "layers view", rather than the net.refractions.udig.legend plugin.


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