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  • Re: [] Jakarta EE 8 Slide Deck Shared, (continued)
  • Re: [] [] Jakarta EE Member Elections - Nomination Period Open!, Tanja Obradovic
  • Re: [] Bintray JCenter (and MavenCentral) download stats, Werner Keil
  • [] Fwd: Your login link for Eclipse Foundation's event, Amelia Eiras
  • [] Jakarta EE Update call - April 8th, 2020, Tanja Obradovic
  • Re: [] [ee4j-pmc] 2020 Jakarta EE Developer survey now available!, Amelia Eiras
  • [] The 2020 Jakarta EE Developer Survey is Now Available!, Shabnam Mayel
  • Re: [] Fork Eclipse MicroProfile Configuration as Jakarta Configuration., reza_rahman

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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