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[] [Jakarta EE Nominations 2020] Youtube Interviews of the candidates and feedback!

Happy Monday Jakartees, 

First, I am most excited that Jakarta EE has finally its very own YouTube channel. :) 
Second, seeing the tool be used to interview hopeful Candidates in the 2020 elections is a huge win!

Ivar & Community, 

Using my #ossDOER contributor hat, I have the following feedback after listening to the 3 nominee interviews completed thus far for: 
WHY does this feedback exist? 

  1. When asked to vote, Committers & Participants Members, how do we, the Jakarta EE Community, ensure that the voted individuals are actually equipped to bring the most worth/value to the project upon securing that seat via community vote?
  2. Project improvements are easier to tackle when the new processes are not yet set into stone, when actions allow for anyone watching to be a part of the task & most importantly when feedback is provided via open channels that welcome others to participate in creating stuff. 

NOW___ the category of the interviews above are for 3 Jakartees who are re-running for a new term on the Project after almost finishing a full year.

Positives: Below are the items I found most positive on the interviews:  
  1. time/length is under 10minutes- perfect for easier consumption
  2. Ivar, you wearing your Jakarta EE shirt, great form
  3. Ivar- the clear message that working in OSS has positive benefits for the individual
  4. participants video setting that makes the exchanges friendly & welcoming
  5. Ivar- slogan recommendation to close the interview as a summary of Nominee short focus campaign. 
Need improvements:  Goal: constant Nomination Process that clearly understood by everyone
  1. True: the Jakarta EE Social Media is 100 % controlled by the EF hired under the Jakarta EE budget. With that in mind, my request is: CAN the Jakarta EE twitter/Media tools be the first to push the videos created for this and similar activities associated with the Youtube Channel?  Your re-tweets with comments are huge plus ones as you are the formal Devrel of Jakarta today. Yet to make you scalable and the tool scalable, you ought to not be the "it" for the formal push of content that is relevant to the activities of Jakarta. 
  2. Using the Jakarta Media Channels, can we expect the auto-run to be scheduled for this series of Nominees' interviews up to the day before elections? 
  3. A template design ought to be created for this activity as the standard to push such videos, especially since Nominations and voting is time-pressing...
  4. Can there be a formal questionnaire for New hopeful Candidates that focuses on answering at least as the bare minimum 3 questions: 1) WHY is he/she running for that Commiter seat? WHAT past experience makes him/her be up to the task? Provide an example of a "maybe" open OSS issue where she/he used public forums to de-escalate issues, etc?   What there be a formal questionnaire for re-running Committers using their past seat experience as the sole focus of the interview? 

About point 4 set questionnaire for Re-running hopeful candidates my recommendations are as follow to be adjusted and to be added to Resources Page under Nomination Period Q&A for hopeful runners under the Committer standards: Questionnaire has 2 parts for: general and specific as follows: 
General question:
  • When you think you failed to achieve an objective you thought was important for Jakarta EE how did you handle that?
Specific questions from the general question: 
Did you...
  • keep your cool?
  • stand by your word?
  • said you were going to do something, did you follow through?
  • avoid making false promises?
  • listen, try to understand others' point of view?
  •  stand firm for things that were important to you? explaining clearly WHY something mattered to you which enabled healthy clarifications
  • choose your battles? drop things that were not important & focus on what mattered?
Why are those questions important?
Jakarta needs to enhance its collaborative environment,  respect seems to be the key ingredient. Bias, I believe respect is forged and protected by the individuals' actions that hopefully are a constant in public and private exchanges from voting individuals that require community support via votes. 

LIke with any OSS ecosystem, the continued terraforming of Java EE into Jakarta EE takes respect and brings to light what it is not written on the Committee minutes from call that today sadly are still private in nature. 

Closing this feedback with a smile that welcomes other #ossDOERS to participate on this thread or create new ones associated with current Jakarta EE activities,


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