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  • Re: [che-dev] License EPL 1.0 --> EPL 2.0, (continued)
  • [che-dev] Idea: To deprecate che-dependencies repository, Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] Jekyll in Che?, Dave Neary
  • [che-dev] Is it possible with Eclipse Che?, Hamilton Chevez
  • [che-dev] Our team develop a rename extension plugin and want to integrate it into CHE, 靳嘉豪
  • [che-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Hanno Kolvenbach on Eclipse Che, emo
  • [che-dev] Committer Election for Hanno Kolvenbach on Eclipse Che has started, emo
  • [che-dev] Stacks housekeeping, Yevhen Ivantsov
  • [che-dev] Che Community Call next Monday (May 14th), Anna Shumilova
  • [che-dev] WARN: We have identified that http and https proxies are set but no_proxy is not. This may cause fatal networking errors. Set no_proxy for your Docker daemon!, Andrew McLachlan
  • [che-dev] Question about agents, features and services, Zachary Sang
  • [che-dev] Community Call - April, 16th 2018, Stevan LeMeur
  • [che-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Guy Daich on Eclipse Che, emo
  • [che-dev] Reminder to vote on Committer Election for Guy Daich on Eclipse Che, emo
  • [che-dev] Committer Election for Guy Daich on Eclipse Che has started, emo
  • [che-dev] Che Community Meeting topics., Viktor Kuznietsov
  • [che-dev] Last Che community meeting recordings, Gennady Azarenkov
  • [che-dev] Che Community Call, Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] Sidecars & Extensibility, Thomas Mäder

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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