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[che-dev] Our team develop a rename extension plugin and want to integrate it into CHE

Dear developers,

       I am a master of Beijing Institute of Technology from China. Recently, we develop a java plugin in CHE. This plugin will be invoked when a user executes a rename operation, and then calculates the similarities between the one user renamed and other elements. It also gives a best recommendation about another rename operation (including the element name, the recommended name, the position of element and so on) if applicable element exits. 

     We think integrating this plugin into CHE is sufficiently advantageous so we want to know what we should do for this.

     We enclose two short videos(about 30s) to show our plugin.
     Thanks for your attention.

Attachment: demo1.wmv
Description: video/ms-wmv

Attachment: demo2.wmv
Description: video/ms-wmv

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