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Re: [udig-devel] render performance

I've now tried this on another (slightly faster) machine -- it still takes close to 10 seconds to render all the 100000s of points (this is after several renderings, so Eclipse should have loaded everything it needs). If I change the render style away from the defaults (to draw smaller squares with no outline) then I can eventually get the render speed down to 3-4 seconds.

Can you explain what setup you are using? Is this with standard uDig 1.0.0, run as a standalone application?


At 15:45 29/06/2005, Tony Kennedy wrote:
It doesn't it takes 3.24 sec on an initial run improving thereafter due to Eclipse loading techniques,on similar hardware. Maps taking that long to load are typically the size of the road network of British Columbia a somewhat larger system, you can down load this as an example from I can find no evidence of heap space exhaustion perhaps you have an environmental issue?

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