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Re: [udig-devel] render performance


I'm afraid that I am not getting the performance problems that you are.
It takes less than a second to render both of the shapefiles that you
sent me regardless of whether I'm selecting or not.  That said I have
recently found a bug that occurs when there are many maps created and
maybe open that the system slows down.  Rather unfortunate that and I am
trying hard to fix the issue.  

Also I'd like to point out that since eclipse loads lazily the first
time a map is opened all the plugins have to load and it is quite slow.
But after the first render it should be very quick for a map like that.
We rendered shapefile of hundreds of thousands of features on laptops
also running postgis geoserver and mapserver at the same time and not
had performance problems.

Could you send me information on your hardware configuration?

Thank you,

On Fri, 2005-24-06 at 15:04 +0100, Vince Darley wrote:
> I should say I'm new to udig, although we have used geotools (and openmap, 
> for that matter) in the past.  We're currently evaluating what GIS/mapping 
> tools to use for a variety of projects, and we make heavy use of Eclipse 
> RCP, so an obvious thing to do was to test uDig 1.0.0.
> My first test was to open the workspace and create a new map with a couple 
> of shapefiles generated by a route optimizer we use.  I tried to zoom in 
> and out and pan and select things, and found that on each such action the 
> progress bar for rendering sprang into action and only after 2 or more 
> seconds was the map view updated.  (This on a relatively fast machine).
> In addition to this, certain lines in the shapefiles were not clipped 
> wrongly when zooming in (i.e. they should have been drawn, but weren't).
> So, I have to ask, what performance expectations are there for uDig?  Are 
> there known bottlenecks?  Is it expected that rendering should (a) take 2+ 
> seconds, and (b) continue to take so long just for minor events like 
> panning, selecting, etc?
> For those interested, I've placed a .zip file of the 2 shapefiles here:
> thanks for any insights!
> Vince.
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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