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Re: [udig-devel] render performance

My configuration is Windows XP on a Dell Latitude D800 laptop, 1 gig memory, 1.6ghz Pentium M, 1920x1200 display (built-in), with NVIDIA GeForce4 4200 Go (Dell Mobile) graphics card. I'm running the standard installed uDig 1.0.0 with its standard memory allocation.

I just discovered that I had the processor setting to "max battery", and so I changed that to max performance, and that makes things about twice as fast. However that still means on many zoom out operations I wait more than a second, and see the two shapefiles rendered progressively, with parts of the road net appearing substantially before other parts.

I should say these are delays measured by hand from when I click, e.g., the zoom button to when the map image has stopped changing (typically the rendering seems to happen in 3 or more stages).

We rendered shapefile of hundreds of thousands of features on laptops
also running postgis geoserver and mapserver at the same time and not
had performance problems.

Reading this, I thought I'd move on to the next test, which is of the order of magnitude you quote. This one takes 10 or more seconds to render...

(and after a few zooms in and out I run out of Java heap space, but that's a different issue)



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