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Re: [udig-devel] Raster Support (was Some problems found ...)

Hi Jody

Yes I've set up GeoServer and looking through the code noticed the formats, thought I'm still unsure of the handling of Geotiff data sets. I've downloaded 60 examples and attempted to validated them and found they were less than perfect!, looking through some of TK's plugins for older versions of uDig, I found a couple for Geotiff and DXF and some rather Anglo Saxon notes about data quality and his approach for Geotiff and DXF, he has adopted the Eclipse problems view and an associated preference page, where you can set levels for problems from ignore to error, so for unknown fields, bad Tags and impossible projections, you can arrange for uDig to ignore, translate, or if all else fails, just display it as a tif, and a rather neat right click in the problems view that lets you change the preference page value from the view. this approach seems to have been run by the user groups so has had some field exposure.

I have found some problems in the raster interface that seems to be at the core of why uDig is not displaying these formats at the moment but the work is incomplete I will let you know.

I did some more wandering around the UI and found a problem with multiple editors, open up a map, right click on the tab select new editor, it creates a new map tab of the same name but no associated map under the project, clicking on the map gives an "internal error in command executor" msg, if you have several tabs open, clicking in their windows give similar error, and eventually stack overflow, do you need this feature? If not perhaps you might want disable it because I'm sure people at exhibitions and user groups will be finding it just as fast as their little mice can carry them.

Susan Black

Jody Garnett wrote:

Hi Susan:

I'm catching up with all the events and email slowly, but given your exhibition date I thought it worth while to jump in.
Do you know the URL for the Geotiff source?

On the subject of raster processing one of the students attached to the project has submitted a proposal based on uDig core plugins combined with imagej code to produce a RCP'ed version of imagej. Imagej has a very liberal license perhaps this work may be useful.

I noticed that the people working on raster support have just made their first release:

From their announcement "The ArcGrid, GeoTIFF, Image, and GRIB formats are supported".
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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