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[udig-devel] Postgis problem in compiled version

Hi, ... I´m having a problem when trying to access a Postgis database from UDIG (compiled from svn, following Quickstart steps) but version works fine.

In the postgis wizard, I have found different information when access from both versions:

In ->
    database field -> mydatabase, template0 and template1
    schema field -> information schema, pg_catalog and public
    Layer selection -> tables from mydatabase and views
    Render works fine

In svn compiled version running from Eclipse ->
    database field -> only mydatabase
    schema field -> only public
    Layer selection -> only tables
There is a rendering/access problem and the layer appears with an X (in the status bar -> error: org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject.getIdentifiers()Ljava/util/set;)

Is it possible that the postgres/postgis driver from repository is different the one in is there a full log file when running UDIG from eclipse???

   Thanks very much...

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